Color Scheme: Operation Outdoor Laser Tag pt. 1

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We get to the laser tag location and I see there there are quite a few people there already and it makes me excited to see the number of people here.

"Why are you looking like that?" Lauren asks me as we walk to where we get our equipment.

"Looking like what?"

"Like an villain. You have a smirk but it feels like you are scheming something."

"Oh I'm just excited that there are a bunch of people here cause that means I can take more people out."

"And what do you mean by take out?" Bu Geon asks?

"What do you think? We are playing laser tag and by take out I mean shoot."

"You plan to shoot all of them in the game? I know your a good shot but are you that good?" Indica asks.

This is when the owner of the laser tag comes to our group.

"Oh she is that good. y/n is the best shot we have had come here. If you want to win you better hope she's on your team."

"Yunho! I didn't expect you to be working today. I thought Saturday's are your day off." I say and introduce him to everyone.

"One of the guys called in sick so I'm helping today. This is the first time you have brought people with you. What's the occasion?"

"Yesterday was my birthday so my friends wanted to treat me and suggested coming here."

"Well you chose a good day to come and happy birthday. I came to explain the rules to your group but seeing as you're with them and you know the rules I'll just leave you to tell them."

"Thank you, I'll be sure to tell them everything."

After I give my thanks Yunho goes to greet group of guys that just showed up. They must me cold cause they have hats and masks covering their faces.


We get to the laser tag location and see a bunch of people so we decide to wear hats and cover our faces so people don't recognize us. As we get closer to the equipment location I notice y/n and her friends talking to a tall guy.

"Damn it," I say.

"What happened? Did you forget something?" Jin asks.

"No I didn't forget anything. I just have terrible luck, y/n is here with her friends."

"Oh I see her now. It looks like another guy is with them, who do you think it is?" Jimin asks.

Right after Jimin asked his question the guy starts walking to us. Once he gets to our group he introduces himself and tells us the rules. He turns around to leave but stops to tell us one more thing.

"Oh, seeing as it is your guys first time here I'll help you out."

"What do you mean by that?" Tae asks.

"See that girl over there..." he says as he points to y/n. "She is one of the best shots that has come here so I would steer clear of her if you are not on the same team."

"That's good to know. Thanks for giving us a heads up." Jungkook says.

About ten minutes pass and we have our equipment on and ready. They gather everybody to repeat the game rules and show us how the guns work. We have a vest and headband on with sensor that goes off when we are shot. There are three games, the first two being timed and whoever has less casualties wins and the last game is capture the flag.

We are then told to separate in to two teams. And with my luck we are on the same team as y/n.

"Thank god y/n is on our team. Now we know we can win," Yoongi says.

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