Chapter 72

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Harry's POV

After I left Louis' apartment with the wedding book, I went straight over to Charl's place.

"Hey hun!" She chirped as she opened the door and engulfed me in a tight hug. "How've you been?"

I stepped past her with a sad smile and she immediately knew. I sighed and collapsed onto the couch, the white folder clutched to my chest.

"That bad, hey?" She cooed as she sat down next to me, leaning on her elbow as she faced me.

I let out a long moan as I dropped the book and covered my face. Luckily, Charl caught it as she rolled her eyes at me.

"Let it out, babe." She laughed. "Now tell me, what happened?"

I peeked through the gaps in my fingers to see her pouting at me.

"Louis won't kiss me." I told her as I peered through the spaces at her.

"What?" She asked, grabbing one of my hands to move it from my face. "What?"

"Ugh," I groaned, taking away my other hand. "Everything was fine, I went home to grab the book and Lou was there with Niall."

"Aww, 'Lou'! That's adorable!" Charl interrupted as I glared at her. "Sorry, not important. Continue."

"I walked in, and I was so happy to see him!" I smiled at the memory. "But as I went to say goodbye, I leant in for a kiss. And he moved his head right as our lips were about to touch. And then Niall gave him a funny look and he gave Niall another funny look back and I got really confused. Like they were saying something to each other through their eyes because they didn't want me to know..."

I paused as Charl stared at me with a frown.

"I think it was because Niall was there." I confessed, looking down at my lap. "I think he doesn't want to kiss me when other people are around."

"Oh sweetie." Charl cooed, pulling me in for a hug. "I'm sure it was nothing, don't worry about it."

I leant back and nodded a little. "Y-Yeah, you're right."

"And plus," Charl added, letting me go as she sat up again. "With all the media thinking he's straight, he probably just hasn't kicked the habit yet, you know, cause he's used to hiding."

"Yeah," I nodded, not really believing her. "That's really annoying too." "What?" She asked.

"The fact that the media think he's straight." I answered. "I mean, what's so bad about being gay? Why do people feel the need to keep it hidden? It's infuriating."

"It's only for now." Charl tried to reassure me. "He'll be out and proud in no time, just like you are."

"No he won't." I stated, shaking my head.

"And how do you know that?" Charl gave me a look of disbelief.

"Because I know him." I replied. "And it's not just the media who think he's straight. His agency are making him lie like that, its part of the contract he signed."

"He signed away his sexuality?" Charl gasped. "I had no idea it was that serious..."

"Yeah," I sighed. "If he breaks it, he has to pay them a lot of money. Plus, they'll drop him like that." I snapped my fingers. "He'll be out of a job and have no money."

Charl obviously didn't know what to say as I leant forward and rested my elbows on my knees, so she hugged me instead of speaking.

"And the worst part is," I whispered. "It's not only that."

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