Chapter 78

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Louis' POV

When the movie finished, the whole theatre stood up and clapped while our director thanked everyone and took a few humble bows.

There were a few speeches and thank yous, the director gave Eleanor and I a hug each and congratulated us on our performances as well.

Once all the formalities were over, Eleanor and I had to have some more photos taken and then speak to some more journalists about the film and how we liked it.

Finally, we were allowed back in the car and made our way home.

I sighed and threw my head back, resting it against the headrest as the limo driver took Eleanor back to her apartment and me back to mine so that we could change clothes.

I threw open my apartment door and went straight to my bedroom, stripping myself of the fancy suit and picking a slightly more casual outfit.

I went for a pair or black skinny jeans with some vans and a 'Skate Tough' singlet with a blazer over the top.

When I was ready, I went into the kitchen to grab something to eat and text Zayn. I already knew that the other three were going to be at the party, but I wasn't so sure about Zayn.

So I opened my fridge, took out an apple and jumped up onto the bench, my legs swinging as I pulled out my phone and took a bite.

To: Z-Man

            You coming tonight?

From: Z-Man

            Yeah, but I'll be late.

            Dinner with Perrie's parents

            WISH ME LUCK :/

To: Z-Man

            Good luck man :*

I laughed and pocketed my phone, taking another bite from the apple before putting the core on the bench next to me.

I jumped down when I heard my phone buzz, signalling a text from Eleanor who was in the car downstairs, for the second time that day.

So I put the apple core I the bin and made my way down there and met her in the car. She had changed into a tight, short blue dress and taken her hair out, the curls tumbling down her shoulders.

"You look nice." I commented, kissing her cheek as I slid in next to her and the car took off.

"Thanks." She giggled. "So do you. Harry'll like the singlet."

"You think?" I asked with a grin. "I hope he does..." I added under my breath. I hoped she didn't hear but she did and she cooed.

"He will." She laughed and I blushed, looking down at my feet.

Speaking of Harry, I felt my phone vibrate in my pocket and when I looked at it, a message from Harry was on the screen.

From: Haz <3

            We just got to the club

            See you soon xo

To: Haz <3

            I'm on the way with El

            We'll be there sooooon x

"So did you like the movie?" She asked me, snapping me out of my gaze at the screen and making me put my phone away.

"Yeah," I smiled. "It was amazing, I'm so happy with way it turned out. You?"

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