Chapter 79

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Harry's POV

When the car got back to his apartment, I had to wake up Louis.

"Sweetie." I whispered, brushing his hair back from his face.

He mumbled something and sat up, leaving a wet patch of drool on my jeans. Great.

"Lou, honey." I said, putting an arm around him so I could help him up and out of the car. "Come on, you've got to work with me here."

I laughed a little as he sighed and looked at me, obviously sobering up since we'd left the club.

"I need water." He said with a pout and I nodded.

"Okay, we'll get you water." I told him as we got inside and towards the elevators. "Once we get to your place, okay."

"Okay," Louis mumbled, resting his head on my shoulder.

We were silent in the lift and all the way to the door of the apartment until Louis tried to find his keys.

"Haz." He said after a minute of fumbling around as he attempted to find his pocket. "Can you get them? They're in my pocket but I- I can't get- I can't g-get them- DAMMIT"

He sighed in defeat as he realised he was too tipsy to even reach into his own pocket.

I chuckled and pulled him towards me, putting one hand around his back and the other hand in his pocket to get them out. Once I got them, I kept him against me as I unlocked the door, and then swept him up into my arms.

He smiled as I held him and walked us inside, kicking the door closed behind us.

"Honey, I'm home." Louis mumbled, his cheek pressed to my shoulder as he giggled to himself.

"Oh Louis." I laughed and he looked up at me. He was so tiny and adorable in my arms, it was quite a sight.

"What?" He asked me with a frown and I leant down to kiss his pouty lips.

"Nothing, love." I told him, and he giggled again, before sighing and wriggling around, so I let him down gently.

He walked into the kitchen and got a bottle of water from the fridge, then jumped and sat up on the bench. I followed him in there, and saw him smiling at me, so I went over and stood between his legs, resting my hands on his thighs.

"You alright?" I asked him and he nodded, the bottle still in between his lips.

"Yeah." He said when he was done. "M'just tired now."

He was still tipsy, I could see it in his eyes, but he definitely wasn't as bad as he was before.

"C'mon," I said as I picked him up and lowered him to the ground. "I'm tired too."

He smiled at me and started walking to the lounge room, so I followed him to the large, comfortable couches.

"Did you have fun today?" He asked me as we sat down and then sunk down into it, lounging on all the huge, fluffy cushions. He knew I'd never been to a premier before and he knew I was nervous about it.

Even if he was still a little bit tipsy, he was still my Louis and he knew me well.

"Yeah," I nodded, putting an arm around him as he cuddled adorably into my chest. "It was incredible. There were so many people and all the photographers - I didn't think there'd be so many photographers- and the girls? They scream so loudly, all for you, by the way, its crazy and- I'm rambling, aren't I?" I stopped and blushed, looking down.

"You're so cute." Louis giggled, ruffling my hair. "My Hazza."

I blushed again as he chuckled and kept playing with my hair as he smiled fondly at it.

"It's so long." He commented, humming under his breath as he ran it through his fingers.

I nodded as he continued to stare at it, before I felt a kind of sinking feeling in my stomach.

All was fine and well when we were alone and at home, but there was always something missing.

Today had been so much fun, but I hadn't been able to spend it with my boyfriend and I couldn't help feeling upset that I couldn't be with him in public.

"You okay?" Louis asked, cupping my cheek and bringing me out of my daze.

"Yeah." I sighed before sitting up. "We can talk about it later though. C'mon, we should get some sleep."

But Louis frowned at me. "Harry." He said. "What's wrong?"

I shook my head and stood up, leaving him on the couch.

"Don't worry about it for now." I told him. "We can talk about it tomorrow."

"Okay," Louis nodded, standing up with me and pulling me into a tight hug. "Tomorrow. But promise you'll tell me? I don't like it when you're upset."

I sighed and hugged him back, glad that he could understand and happy that he was so sweet about it.

"Promise." I kissed the top of his head. "Now, shall we go to bed?"

"Yes," he nodded and hooked his arm through mine as we made our way to the bedroom.

We both changed out of our fancy clothes and into some pyjama pants before crawling under the thick duvet and into Louis' large bed.

I let my head hit the pillow and he did the same, lying on his side so he was facing me as I did the same.

I cupped his cheek and leant in to kiss him softly.

"Goodnight, Boo." I whispered when we pulled back and he blushed at the nickname.

"Night, Hazzy." He giggled before closing his eyes and shuffled forwards so that he was closer to me, his head in my neck as our legs tangled together.

I smiled and ran a hand through his hair, watching as small breaths escaped his lips and he quickly fell into a deep sleep.

Poor baby I thought to myself. He must have been so tired after today.

Then I watched his face and thought about everything we'd been through. How he used to be when I'd first met him all those months ago. How I'd seen him change and how I'd been a part of that change.

Then I wondered if it was all worth it, if I had to spend my days as a lie, watching him out and about with other girls while I was stuck trying to make myself be okay with it. Because I wasn't.

I used to think that anything was worth Louis. That there was nothing that could come between us, but maybe this difference of opinion could.

I wondered whether or not I was strong enough to keep this whole façade going.

And for the first time, I wasn't so sure.




short and teary :'(

poor harry is letting it all catch up and get to him

and Louis has no idea


Lights, Camera, Harry // l.s.Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz