Chapter 54

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sorry about the wait, life is crazy right now and I'm trying my hardest to find time to update




Harry’s POV

“Charl, I’m so nervous, oh my gosh. W-What am I even doing.”

I shook my hands and ran them through my hair for the thousandth time that morning as Charl drove me to the audition.

Louis wanted to come with me, but he couldn’t be seen in public without paps following him around. Plus, his manager said that if he was seen with me and images surfaced and initiated rumours, then all hell would break loose apparently.

His manager was very strict, he wouldn’t let Louis do anything that would affect his image and it was taking its toll on both of us.

According to the world, Louis and Eleanor were still dating and it had to stay that way until after the movie was finished with its publicity.

Louis swore at it a lot when he was on one of his rants, but I think I was pretty good at calming him down and making him feel better.

“Don’t worry, loser!” Charlotte laughed at me as she turned left down a street. “You’re great so you’ll be fine! Now, run your lines.”

“Okay,” I let out a deep breath before plastering a smile on my face and looking directly ahead. “Oh, wow! It really does work!”

She didn’t say anything after I’d finished, she just sat there.

“Oh, wait. That’s it?” Charl asked. “One line? Harry you’ll do fine! Besides, you said that well, they’ll like you and you have the cutest smile.”

“Ugh!” I groaned. “I hope I do okay. I haven’t done a commercial audition in ages and I’ve never actually gone any further than the audition stage.”

“It’s fine.” She reassured me. “Just know you’re lines and ooze charisma.”

“Ooze?” I laughed. “Please don’t say that word again. Ew, it sounds so gross.”

“You’re gross!” Charl stuck her tongue out at me before pulling into a parking spot opposite the studio. I simply groaned again as I realised we’d arrived.

“Here we go!” She cheered as she opened the door and climbed out.

I sat there for a second, composing myself before I did the same.


“Oh my God.” I breathed as I came out of the audition room, a smile on my face as I looked around for Charl in the waiting room.

“Harry!” She chirped before jumping up from her chair and rushing over to me to give me a hug. “How’d it go?”

“Good, I think.” I told her, hugging her back. “They seemed nice and I think they liked me. I didn’t screw up any lines.”

“You mean your one line?” She teased, making me nudge her shoulder playfully. “Kidding! I’m sure you’ll be fine. When do you find out?”

“Tomorrow.” I replied with a nervous smile. “They said nice things, and I think they liked my smile, so, I don’t know, maybe?”

“You have to text me!” She said as he headed out of the waiting room and towards the stairwell. “Or call me, or something. You have to tell me how it goes!”

Lights, Camera, Harry // l.s.Där berättelser lever. Upptäck nu