Character Ask (The Answers Part 2)

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Vic: Welcome back! This is part 2 of the Lights, Camera, Harry Character Ask and I'm back with all your favourite characters.

Will: [proud] I'm the favourite.

Louis: [trying not to laugh] You're not.

Will: I hate to break it to ya, hot-shot, but I'm definitely the favourite.

Louis: [getting angry] Excuse me, but-

Liam: [pus hand on Louis' shoulder] Okay, not now. It's not worth it.

Vic: [sighs] I should really word my sentences better...

Harry: [glares at Louis] Sorry, Vic. Continue, please.

Vic: [smiles at him] Thanks, Harry. Anyway, this time we'll be answering Louis and Harry's questions, so without further ado, let's get into it.

Niall: [rubs hands together] This is gonna be good, I can tell.

Charl: [rolls eyes] Sometimes, you're dedication to their ship scares me...


1. From @briloves_1d - Do you think you still would've dealt with LOUIS being in the spotlight so much and you guys having to hide your relationship? do you regret leaving?

Niall: Oooo good question!

Harry: [sighs] I-I don't know... [sees Louis fidgeting awkwardly, quickly looks away] I mean, I thought I could. I thought I was the kind of person who wouldn't let it get to me. I-I thought I could deal with it all...

Louis: [scoffs, under his breath] Yeah, well I thought so too...

Liam: [hits Louis leg, whispers] Shhh, this is Harry's turn.

Louis: [rolls eyes] Whatever.

Harry: [continues, oblivious] As for the 'leaving' part...

Louis: [sarcastic, under his breath] Oh this will be good.

Liam: [stern, still whispering] Louis stop.

Harry: ... I, um, I just left because I thought we needed time apart [glances at Louis] to, well, think about... things. I don't think I regret it.

[Charl puts arm around his shoulder as he takes a shaky breath]

Harry: I miss him, a lot. And I think about it a lot. But I think it was the right decision... I hope it was the right decision...

2. From @Ellie-Jay - Do you see yourself without louis like him not being your boyfriend?

Harry: [shocked] No! What?! I-I [thinks for a minute] I mean... Um... I don't think so... I-I, um, I don't know...

Louis: [under his breath, sarcastic] Shocker...

Harry: [runs hands through his hair] I don't want him t-to not be my boyfriend. I mean, he's... well, he's Louis. He's my Boo... [chuckles sadly] I don't want to not be with him, but right now... I mean... I don't know. I would do anything for him, and he knows that, but sometimes I feel like he wouldn't do the same for me. There are things I think he wouldn't give up for me... Like, I know he doesn't like the girls that he has to be seen with, and neither do I, really, but-

Louis: [interrupts] No one likes them! They're beards! God, Harry! How could you think-

Vic: [interrupts] Not your question, Louis [turns to Harry] Continue.

Harry: [gulps, blushing] I-I think I'm done. Long answer short, I don't know, sorry I'm not better at this...

[Charl pats his leg, Harry smiles back gratefully]

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