Chapter 27

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Harry’s POV

Having Luke around on set was like having a permanent smile plastered over my face.

He made me so happy and knowing that he was here just for me made me work extra hard during the take.

I was practically floating around, oblivious to everything except my own happiness.

Once the director yelled cut, I went to the  Trough to find Luke.

I skipping joyfully down the hallway, ignoring the looks I was getting, and burst into the dressing room.

I went straight to my bench, excepting to find him sitting there, but it was empty.

I checked the bathrooms and wandered around the set, my mood slowly dropping as I realised I couldn’t find him.

I literally looked in every single room, even the storage closets, until I resigned to the Trough, finally coming to terms with the fact that he had left.

I couldn’t understand why. I thought we were happy.

We were happy in the hall. We kissed, smiled and giggled, and he said he was going to wait for me to finish the take and we were going to go back to my place and cuddle.

But he had left.

I sat down in my chair confused.

I put my head in my hands and let out a breath,

I didn’t think I had pissed him off. I didn’t think I had done anything wrong.

So what could possibly have changed since before and after the take?

Then, I noticed a piece of paper amongst the clutter on my bench that wasn’t there before.

I picked it up and looked at it.

It read;


I’m sorry I left, I just couldn’t do it anymore.

I care about you, but it’s not working out.

I just don’t share the same feelings you do.

Please don’t call me. It’s better this way.



My hands started shaking as I watched a tear drop from my eye to the paper.

His scrawly handwriting became smudged as I read it over and over, trying to process what he was saying,

It was over?

Really over?

I felt myself start to break down as it sunk in.

I put the paper down and put my head in my hands and blinked rapidly as I tried not to full on cry in the middle of my work place.

I didn’t want all my colleagues to see me like that over a guy.

But then again, I was heartbroken and all I wanted to do was go home, get all my blankets and curl up on the couch, eat ice cream and watch Love Actually.

Luke had broken up with me, through a note.

A fucking note.

A goddamned piece of paper that ripped my heart out.

I really liked him. I really really cared about him, and he had the audacity to dump me over a fucking note?

I was so ridiculously upset, tears streaming down my face and at the same time, I was really angry.

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