Chapter 43

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what do you guys think of a Larry fic where Peter pan takes Harry to Neverland where he meets a fellow lost boy named Louis? liam, niall and zayn may or my not also be lost boys ;)

like, would anyone be interested in a story ike that?

please comment and let me know what you think of that!




Harry's POV

I slowly opened my eyes to squint up at the roof above my bed. I went to reach up to my forehead, attempting to brush my hair out of my face, but I found my arms stuck by my sides.

I frowned and tried to sit up, but someone had tucked the blankets so tight around me, it was almost impossible to move.

I turned my head to see the clock displaying 7:58. My alarm was about to go off anyway so I wiggled my arms up and finally moved my hair, noticing that my forehead wasn't sticky with sweat like it had been the past few days.

My fever had finally broken.

I sighed and reached to my bedside table, grabbing my glass of water to take a long sip before attempting to stand.

I know yesterday I had been rather dizzy and everything was fuzzy, but I'm pretty sure that was due to my headache and fever. My head had been pounding, my vision was blurry and my memory was hazy. I shakily stood and pinched the bridge of my nose as I waited for the wave of pain to my head to subside, but remained balanced. Once I was sure I was okay, I made my way to the bathroom and took a much-needed shower.

When I was done, I wrapped a towel around my waist and decided that even though I wasn't 100%, I needed to go to work, I'd already missed enough.

So I went to the kitchen and made breakfast. When I walked in, I saw a bowl and mug sitting in the sink that I know I didn't leave there.

Then it all came flooding back.

Louis had come over last night to look after me. He had made me the food and drink, the remnants of which were sitting in the sink.

I frowned as I remembered falling asleep and blushed when I remembered that I'd asked him to stay.

Then I recalled that he had and smiled at the thought of us cuddling all night. The bed, that's where he should be!

I flicked the kettle on quickly and ran back to the bedroom, hoping he would somehow be there, that I had somehow just missed him this morning, but it was empty.

I thought he was going to stay...

I leant against the door frame and felt my smile fade away to a frown.

I couldn't help but feel disappointed, especially considering he kissed me as well. I reached up and touched my lips as I stared at the bed where we'd shared it, smiling at the memory.

I was nearly asleep, but the moment his warm lips touched mine I'd felt alive. However I didn't move, I didn't want to ruin the moment and he obviously thought I was asleep, so I stayed still, letting him kiss me goodnight.

It was hard to resist, I wanted to reach up and kiss him back, but I didn't want him to freak out. Plus, I was so weak I probably wouldn't have been able to.

My eyebrows furrowed as I wondered what had happened to make him leave, last thing I recall was a great kiss and I saw no reason for him to have left after that.

Lights, Camera, Harry // l.s.Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat