Chapter 29

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Louis’ POV

I was in such a hard position.

I didn’t know what to do.

Yesterday, when I followed Harry out into the parking lot after Luke left, he just looked so… so…


He was devastated all because of Luke.

Well, really, all because of me.

He could still be the happy bubbly bright guy I knew, but I just had to go and yell at Luke and break up their relationship.

Ugh. Why was I such a screw up?

Why did I have to let jealously get in the way of things and ruin someone else’s happiness?

Oh wait, that's who I was. That was just the type of guy I was.

That's why.

I closed my eyes and rested my head on the steering wheel of my car.

I drove myself to work today, I didn’t want to go with El and I sure as hell couldn’t be fucked waiting for the driver.

So I picked up Liam and we drove. Besides, Liam shared a table with Harry and I liked talking to him because sometimes, Harry came up in conversation.

I wouldn't tell anyone, but I liked it when Liam talked about Harry because they were always happy, funny stories about the boy who had intrugued me from day 1.

I sighed and took of my sunglasses, looking around the lot until I saw the familiar head of curls walking with his gal pal.

He looked sad.

I couldn’t really see from a distance, but he was hunched over and more dishevelled looking than his usual gleaming self.

The girl (I didn’t know her name. To me, she was just El’s sister) put her arm around his shoulder and said something to him before patting his back encouragingly.

He gave her a small smile in return, but it soon disappeared.

Yep, he definitely wasn’t himself.

I caught myself the moment I realised what I was thinking.

What the fuck is wrong with me?

I’m supposed to hate this kid. I hate everyone, so why was I all of a sudden interested in his mood swings?

“Are we gonna get out of the car anytime soon?” Liam asked me, snapping his fingers in front of my eyes. “Or are you gonna sit here and gawk at Harry some more?”

“I’m not gawking.” I snapped at him, putting my sunglasses back on sassily, though I didn’t make a move to get out of the car.

I heard Liam exhale loudly, so I turned to him.

“Do you think he looks sad?” I asked him.


“Like, do you think he looks upset today?”

“I don’t know.” Liam replied. “I haven’t really seen him properly. Why do you care?”

“I don’t.” I answered shortly.

I hate when other people try to make me look stupid.

I genuinely hate it.

“Then why’d you ask me?” Liam retorted, knowing he was pressing my buttons.

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