Chapter 26

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Louis’ POV

I watched as Harry and his boyfriend swung their hands cheerily as they gallivanted off into the parking lot, presumably to get some lunch.

I rolled my eyes at the scene they were making. It was so annoying how that had to be all cute and lovey-dovey.

It wasn’t necessary and just pissed people off, really.

I scowled at Harry as they left and I was pretty sure he saw it because he looked at me with hurt in his eyes.

It made me feel terrible.

Sure, I was a prick, but I hated what I was doing to him.

As much as I wished that I didn’t have to, I knew I did. I needed to make him hate me. It was for everyone’s own good.

Nothing good could come from us being anything more than enemies.

I trudged to my dressing room and started up my Xbox, waiting for the lunch break to be over and then for them to film the next scene, I wasn’t required for it.

I wasn’t really sure what scene they were doing, but I wasn’t in it. I just sat in my dressing room, playing Xbox while I waited for them to finish whatever the fuck they were doing.

I heard giggles coming from the hallway so I slowly got up as quietly as I could and opened my dressing room door before I peeked my head around the corner.

Harry and Luke were alone, outside the Trough door.

Harry had Luke pressed up against the wall, their foreheads touching as they smiled and whispered to each other.

I watched as Harry slowly dipped his head down and kissed Luke, resting his hands on the wall on either side of his face.

He had flowers in one hand too, making the scene just picture perfect.

They’re lips moved together perfectly, like they were made for each other.

And I don’t know why, but it made me angry.

Really angry.

I got this overwhelming feeling of rage and I found myself wanting to hit Luke.


I had no idea what happened, but I slammed the door to my dressing room as I went back in, pacing and pulling at my hair in frustration.

I tried to calm down, but I couldn’t.

Seeing Harry with him made me want to puke.

They were so happy and just, ugh.

Luke couldn’t be a good guy, he had a lip piercing for God’s sakes.

He was going to that club to hook up and he just wasn’t the right guy for Harry.

I think that was the reason I was so angry, because I thought Harry deserved someone better.

Someone who would treat him right and be with him for the right reasons.

Someone like... m-



I grabbed my hair again, pulling hard as I tried to force those thoughts out of my head.

I couldn’t think that.

I couldn’t let that happen.

I grabbed the cushions from my couch one by one and threw them around the room and at the walls in frustration.

Lights, Camera, Harry // l.s.Όπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα