Chapter 9

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two updates in two days... get excited :)

here it is!

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Harry’s POV

Walking up to the club, all I could see was flashing lights and huge line of people. Luckily, Ashton saw Liam and Niall in a smaller line to the side that was much smaller.

“Hey man, there they are.” He pointed them out and we headed towards them.

Niall saw us too and nudged Liam who waved us over. We ducked under a red velvet rope and hoped into line with them.

“Hey guys,” Liam greeted us. “Did you see Charl and Mikey?”

“Nah, they were just in front of us in the car for a while but they disappeared after a bit. Why?” I replied, suddenly worried about my friend.

“They should have been here by now...” Niall muttered under his breath, looking around nervously.

I looked at Ash who seemed to be looking around too.

“Oh, I got a text,” Liam said, looking down at his phone and unlocking it with haste.

We all crowded around him, anxious to see what she’d said.

“Its from Mikey. ‘Sorry, I had to take Charl home, something came up. We’ll see ya later.’” Liam read out with a frown.

No one answered, we just stepped back and stood awkwardly.

“Well at least they’re okay.” Niall interrupted the silence and smiled, trying to make us all feel better.

Yeah, at least theres that.

I really hope she’s okay. She seems to be dealing with a lot lately and even though she doesn’t want to tell me, I know there’s something up.

I was lost in thought while Liam and Niall argued about Niall’s alcohol’s consumption and then he chastised Ash for encouraging him.

I probably would have laughed at their exchange because it was quite ridiculous but I was worried about my friend.

Something was definitely up and I really wanted Charl to be okay.

After a little while, we were at the front of our smaller line. It seemed to be for celebrities or something. Like we were more important than all the other people waiting out in the cold.

I frowned and looked at them. As I did, I caught the eye of a guy a couple years younger than me. He looked barely 18.

He had dirty blonde hair and a lip piercing with striking blue eyes.

I’m not going to lie, he was pretty hot and I was definitely attracted to him.

He was with a friend, I think. They were talking happily though they were visibly upset that the line was taking so long.

I felt bad because we just skipped that entire line and God knows how long they’ve been waiting.

All of a sudden, he was looking at me. I got a little flustered and looked away quickly, but he kept staring.

I smiled to myself and looked at the ground, but I could see him out the corner of my eye. He was smiling at me.

As I went to look back up and maybe even wave or something, Ash grabbed my arm and pulled me forwards.

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