Chapter 17

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Harry’s POV

"Here we are!" I announced as we pulled into the apartments parking space.

Charlotte looked up at the building, clearly taken aback by its unkempt appearance but trying to cover it up with a smile.

"It's, uh, nice." she said, trying to be polite. I reached over and touched her leg reassuringly.

"I know it's nothing special. You don't have to be nice." I told her and she let out a light, relieved laugh.

"By the way," I continued. "I have two roommates but they shouldn't be there."

She looked at me slightly confused but smiled anyway. "Okay." she told me as she got out of the car. I grabbed my stuff from the backseat and followed her into the building, taking the stairs to my floor because Charl thought the lift would break.

"Alrighty. Home sweet home." I announced when we walked in the door. I hung my coat on its peg and kicked my shoes off, Charl doing the same.

"Harry!" I heard Ashton call out.

Oh fuck, he's here today. Meaning at least one of the other two were here too.


"We borrowed some of your lube to help get my hand unstuck from the Pringles can."

"Ash! Shut the fuck up."

"What? He should know-"

Just as they both came around the corner, they saw Charl standing there and Jack immediately stopped talking and clamped his hand over Ash's mouth.

They stood in silence for a minute, just staring at Charl. Even I had to admit, she did look amazing today, her hair hanging in loose curls and her red jumper clinging to her perfectly. If I wasn't gay, I would defiantly go there, but these two were being just plain creepy.

"Hi Harry." Jack said with a smile, as if Ash had never spoken. "Who's your friend?"

"Guys," I spoke slowly. "This is Charl. My friend from work. Charl, this is my roommate, Jack and you already know Ash."

"Nice." Ash slowly nodded, indiscreetly checking her out. Charl looked up at me just as I covered my face with my hand and took a deep breath.

"To meet you." Jack covered up.

Thank God for Jack.

Ash just stood there grinning like an idiot.

"Hi, I'm Charl. Nice to meet you too." she said "Um, can I use your bathroom?"

"Sure," Jack replied. "it's right through there." he pointed down the hall.

"Thanks." she answered with a smile and moved past them to the bathroom.

"Oh," Ash turned around and called out after her just as she turned the corner out of our sight. "We don't flush number ones."

My eyes widened in embarrassment.

"What?" she asked.

"Nothing!" I answered before Ash could say anything. "Jesus Christ, Ash!" I said in a hushed voice.

"What?" he asked.

"She's a guest. I thought maybe we could make one exception. And you don't even live here!" I exclaimed.

"We have very delicate plumbing." he reasoned and thankfully, Jack cut him off with a smack to the back of his head before he could continue.

"Dude. She's hot." he said.

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