Chapter 77

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Louis's POV (finally, it feels like forever since i wrote about Lou)

Getting ready for the premier alone was like torture. I was lonely and when I saw the suit that Harry helped me pick, it made it even worse.

I missed him and it had only been two days.

I sighed as I pushed my hair back off my face, trying to quiff it as I stood in front of the huge bathroom mirror.

Once I finally got it to stay, I straightened up my suit and fixed my shirt.

I remember a while back when Harry helped my pick it out.

We were lying on the couch with the laptop open, Harry resting his head on my chest as we scrolled through an online shop full of designer suits.

He was giggly and happy that night, as he chose the black suit and white shirt. It was plain, but it was classic.

He'd asked me about a tie, and I'd screwed up my nose.

"I don't wear ties." I had told him. "They're annoying and too tight."

He'd laughed at that and kissed my nose.

"You'd look nice with a blue one," He had told me, but still I refused and he shrugged.

"Fine." He muttered. "You'll look nice anyway, I know it."

I smiled to myself as I remembered. It was back when we spent almost everyday together.

Before things got so busy.

The sound of my phone ringing snapped me out of my daydream. I went back into the bedroom and looked at it.

El was calling.

I sighed, but pressed answer. Ever since she found out the real reason I didn't like her, you know, because I'm gay, she had been acting differently.

She wasn't being the usual, annoying girly girl shed always been, she had become a normal human who I could actually stand talking to.

She was nice and funny and underneath her cover of idiocy, there was a great girl and a good friend. I s'pose we had both been pretending.

"Hey," I said into the speaker.

"The car's here." She answered cheerily. "We're waiting out the front."

"Okay," I said, grabbing my wallet and leaving my room. "I'll be down in a sec."

"Kay," She answered. "Oh! And there are paps everywhere outside your building by the way. Just flash them a smile as you get in."

I closed my eyes and pinched the bridge of my nose as I exhaled in frustration.

"Okay," I replied. "See you in a minute."

I hung up and pocketed the phone, fixing my hair one last time before going back into the bathroom and digging around for my foundation and concealer.

I hated using it, but I had to if there were paparazzi around.

I once had a whole page article written in a magazine just about a pimple. A fucking pimple. That's how crazy these people were about me.

Once I was ready, I headed out to the elevator and went down to ground level.

As soon as the doors opened, the photographers outside the building started snapping photos through the big glass doors.

The building's security and a few bodyguards were holding them back as I opened the door with a smile on my face, and headed outside, giving a few small waves.

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