The End

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omfg, this has been a rollercoaster ride of emotions for me.

I started writing Lights, Camera, Harry over a year ago, and it means a lot to me. Through that time, my writing changed and improved so much, and I'm proud to say that this story played a huge roll in developing it all.

Thank you so much to you who have all stuck around to the end with me. It means so so much to have this kind of support on a story written by a teenage girl in her bedroom. 

To have this come to a close with a quarter of a million reads, is insane. It completely blows my mind how incredible you all are.

I read every comment (and try to reply to them all), and see every vote you give, and it means so much. I honestly wouldn't have had the motivation to continue without your support, you lovely humans.

I love you. Each and everyone of you. And Harry loves Lou and the world is all in perfect harmony la di da di da.


you're incredible. x

This story was so much fun to write. I loved every moment of it, start to end. I hope you guys did too! I don't want to, but now I have to mark it as completed and I'm sad :'(

I actually love you all, you're so sweet and supportive and I want to keep writing just for you!

So.... please please PLEASE go and give my other stories a look and a read. They're good, promise! If you liked this, you'll probably like these too!


1. A Weekend Away

Go read it if you like Larry camping stories, featuring fetus Harry and Louis and the rest of the gang.

2. Run, Frat Boy, Run

Harry and Louis are both popular frat boys who like partying, pranking, and booze. Its smutty and stars 2013 Louis and Harry, also featuring topHarry, they're basically party boys who like to have fun.

3. A Little Too Much

Harry and Louis post-breakup, its about mending broken hearts, featuring 2014 Harry and Louis, tats and all.

4. Lost Boy

Again, featuring 17-year-old Harry and 18-year-old Louis, this one's set in Neverland with Peter Pan and all the stories that go with the island of Lost Boys that never grow up.

5. I Know You, Lou

AU where Harry and Louis were childhood best friends, but Louis moved away and they haven't seen each other for years, then they come back into each other's lives and yeah, feels happen :)

6. Undercover Love Affair

AU where Harry and Liam are police officers, and they have to undercover at a high school for a case where they meet Louis, Niall and Zayn, and have to try and solve a case while keeping their identities a secret


Maybe chuck us a follow if you liked this story and please share it around so others can read it too!

much love, see you in one of my other stories! x

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