10|| staring

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Ember's POV
*One Week Later*

I think my parents and I have made a silent mutual agreement to fully ignore each other now. Well, that's what it seemed like has been happening for a week now. I haven't said a word to my mom or dad and they haven't spoken a word to me. It's working... I guess. However, it's a reminder that they've given up on me. I mean, I've given up on myself a long time ago but if I'm being honest, it hurts to know that they've given up on me as well. It's a stab to my chest every time I see them.

Elodie has been trying to spend as much time with me as possible and I think it's because she's afraid that I'll leave. I wish I could take her with me wherever I go but I'm not cut out to raise her, I can't even care for myself anymore.

I've been trying to do little gestures for her when she's at school to show her that I really do care about her. I know it's not enough but it's all I can do. Like right now, It's almost four pm and I'm making her bed before she gets home. No, I don't have the motivation to make my own bed but somehow making hers doesn't feel so bad.

I smile at the mini Billie Eilish calendar on her wall that is hung above her desk. I may or may not have got her a little into Billie's music over time. I hear my phone ringing, causing me to run back to my room to answer it, already knowing who it will be.

Billie and I haven't seen each other all week due to her extremely busy schedule, but she has been non-stop texting me and calling or FaceTimes me whenever she has the chance. She's honestly so fucking sweet.

"Hey Billie," I smile as I answer the FaceTime.

"Hello angel, I just got out of a meeting and I was wondering if I could come pick you up?"

I suppress the butterflies in my stomach at the pet name as I nod my head, "Yeah, how long until you're here?"

No one's ever used pet names on me. No one ever even calls me 'beautiful' or 'sweety'. My parents have never been that way towards me so I blush even when a cashier calls me 'dear.' But hearing Billie use all these pet names makes my stomach do backflips.

"Two minutes."

"Okay, I'll be ready," I smile before hanging up. I make sure to slip on a hoodie, fix my hair a bit, and ensure my necklace is on before running down the stairs. I see her car pull up in front of the house and I walk out, quickly stepping into the passenger seat.

"Hello beautiful," she smiles, giving me a quick hug before pulling out of the driveway. Once again, my stomach erupts with butterflies. She's so goddamn sweet and caring, and sexy.

"Hello," I respond, a permanent nervous-excited smile plastered on my lips. "Where are you taking me today?" I raise a brow in question.

"So, I thought I could bring you to my house if you're cool with that?"

"Yeah, sure."

Am I nervous? Of fucking course! Am I equally as relaxed? Somehow, yes. Billie has this aura about herself. Somehow her just being around me makes me feel special, makes me eager and tense- tense in a good sort of way-, but also makes me feel safe and desired. I really don't know how she does it!

Before I know it, Billie is turning down the volume of the song we were just jamming to and pulls up in front of a gate. I watch as she opens her window, typing a number onto a keypad, causing the gate to open up. "How fancy," I smirk.

"Yeah well, I'm not tryna get kidnapped," she chuckles.

As a fan, I'm well aware of the horrible way she sometimes gets treated. People don't know how to fucking respect celebrities. I mean, if someone were to come to my house and take pictures, I'd call the cops and probably get them arrested for stalking me. But in Billie's case, she can't do much because society has decided that just because she has a beautiful voice and a shit ton of followers that she's supposed to be okay with people watching her every move. It makes no sense and it pisses me off if I'm being honest.

Ember || B.EWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt