22|| intrusive thoughts and world tours

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TW: Self-harm warning!!!!

I will put a '⚠️' at the beginning and end of it.


"talk to you later," Finn gave me a hug and I nodded before getting into my car and connecting my phone to the Bluetooth.

I just wanna be at home, with my girl, giving her cuddles and kisses, but nOoOoo, I had to go to a fucking boring ass meeting. I also didn't know the world tour would be finalized today and I've never felt this torn up about a tour.

"Siri, call drew," I half shouted.

"Calling 'Drew, poop emoji, heart emoji," Siri announced over my speakers.

I listened to the phone ring twice before Drew answered with a "Hey, Bils."

"Drew," I pouted. "Tour got finalized today."

"Oh my fucking god! I'm so excited for you!" She exclaimed happily.

"I'm not."

"Why?" She questioned skeptically.

"Because Ember and I became official and I'm not tryna leave her this soon."

"Sorry-What?! When did this happen?"

"Two days ago," I stated simply.

"And you didn't think to tell me?"

"I've been a little preoccupied," I shrugged even though she couldn't see me.

"I don't need to know about that... wait actually, yes I do. Was it good?"

"What? Drew, no. We haven't had sex yet," I chuckled.

"Oh, for real? That's unlike you."

"Yeah... well so is dating a girl I met through Wattpad. So what? I like her a lot and I'm not trying to rush her into losing her virginity," I explained.

"She's a virgin?" Drew asked with shock laced in her voice.

"Stop acting so shocked about everything I say and keep up. This is not why I called you," I rolled my eyes.

"Okay, okay, fine. Why did you call me then?"

"So the world tour got finalized. It's only in like 5 months but I'm worried, y'know? Like, she's kinda fragile right now. Not that she can't take care of herself, I know she can. I just want to be there to take care of her. Fuck, I don't know," I rambled on.

"Okay soooo, take her with you?"

"But, paparazzi, crew and team members, she's shy. She hardly wanted to meet my parents. I don't want to overwhelm her. That's the last thing I wanna do."

"Billie," Drew sighed. "You need to talk to her. Tell her how you feel and be honest."

"You're right," I frowned. "Okay, I'm about to pull up at my driveway. I'll talk to you later."

"Let me know how it goes. I love you."

"I love you too, byeee," I said before hanging up the phone and typing in my code for the front gate to open.

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