12|| you're safe, ember

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After spending thirty minutes being yelled at for taking Elodie out without my permission I am finally set free and I make a beeline for my bedroom, locking the door behind myself. This is all getting repetitive and annoying, I'm extremely fucking annoyed. Actually, no. Annoyed is an understatement, I'm-

Billie: emberrrrrr???

I can't stop the smile from forming on my lips every time I see her name pop up on my screen. Throwing my hair up into a messy bun, I contemplate on how to respond to her text.

Ember: Hello Billie

Billie: are you busy right now?

Ember: That depends ;)

Billie: on?

Ember: On what you want

Billie: come over?

Ember: Hmm... What for?

My stomach is suddenly filled with butterflies. It's almost eleven pm and she wants me to come over...

Billie: that depends

Ember: On?

Billie: on what you want to do

Ember: Well, what did you have in mind?

Billie: actually let me come pick you up

Ember: How long until you're here?

Billie: 10 mins

Ember: Okay :)

I decide to strip out of the jeans and t-shirt that I wore to the mall with Elodie and change them for some sweatpants and a hoodie. I may look a little sloppy but I don't care, I'm comfy and Billie has made it pretty clear that she doesn't give a fuck what people wear as long as there comfy.

A few moments later I'm tip-toeing down the stairs with my phone in hand and my eyes wide open. I hate that I have to sneak out but it's easier than being screeched at for being 'irresponsible.'

Treating the front door like it's a sleeping newborn I successfully make it outside without passing or waking anyone. The second I step foot outside the humid air hits me like a truck and in contrast, small cool raindrops fall down on my face. Luckily before I can get too soaked Billies beloved Dodge pulls up in front of my house.

Even though I 'know' Billie now, my stomach still turns with butterflies as I open up the passenger side door. "Hi beautiful," she greets me with a large smile.

"Hi," I bit my lip, attempting to hide the smile on my lips. Although, clearly Billie can see it, and she's not happy about me hiding it. My face heats up as she reaches her thumb to my chin, pulling my lip out from between my teeth making it 'pop.'

"Don't hide that pretty smile, ever. Okay?"

"Mmm, okay," I shudder as her thumb is still on my chin.

"Great," she smirks, removing her thumb and turning towards the road as I buckle up.

"So, what have you decided we are doing?" I question, watching her side profile as she pulls out onto the road.

"Well, I want some Takis so were gonna go get-"

Billie is cut off with an enormous bang that shakes the ground, causing both of us to jump slightly. Billie falls into a fit of small laughs, throwing a hand over her heart however I find my hands trembling in my lap. "Fuck, that was unexpected," Billie chuckles, turning towards me when we're met with red light but when her eyes meet mine she falters.

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