15|| you got a thing for the moon?

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Omniscient POV

Ember was cut off when she heard the front door open and close, along with the sound of her parent's laughter. "Fuck, they're early."


"My parents, fuck!" Ember panicked. Her eyes flickered around her room, her brain swirling with ideas on how to get Billie out of this house.

"Calm down angel. I know they hate me but it'll be fine," Billie attempted to calm down the girl pacing the room.

Ember stopped her movements and sighed as her eyes met Billie's. "But I wanted to hang out with you." She admitted.

"You still can."

"Yeah, only if we make a run for it," Ember dropped her shoulders with a sigh.

Billie paced closer to Ember with a smirk playing on her lips. "Let's run then."

"You're for real?"

"Yeah, why not?"

"Okay, hang on." Ember quickly threw her phone, charger and a few necessities into her bag as footsteps could be heard making their way upstairs.

"Ember? Elodie?"

"You ready?"
Billie nodded her head and grabbed Ember's hand. The two girls sprinted down the hallway, almost running straight into Ember's mom.

"Elodie is having a nap. Don't wait up for me!" Ember shouted as they ran out of the house and into Billie's black car.

Ember practically dove into the passenger seat, shouting for Billie to hurry up and drive. The two of them were panting, and neither of them buckled yet as Billie sped off down the block. They fell into a fit of laughter and pulled on their seatbelts while catching their breath.

Once they had calmed down, all that could be heard was the sound of Billie's car revving in the background. "You shouldn't have to sneak out of your house or make a run for it. You don't owe your parents anything." Billie breaks the silence.

"Well, I don't feel like being yelled at today. This day has been perfect."

Billie feels her heart drop. She glances at the girl in her passenger seat with a frown on her lips.

"Don't look at me like that. It's fine, honestly."

Billie sighs, trying her best to drop it.

Ember's POV

It's almost three am but somehow I am wide awake. Billie and I spent the day eating tacos, watching tv, flirting...I think? And baking cookies. Of course, I was just going to sit on the counter and watch her bake the cookies but she wasn't too pleased about that which resulted in her smearing cookie dough on my nose. She thought my pouty face was 'cute' and proceeded to clean the cookie dough off my nose by licking it up. I honestly still don't know if it was positively gross or extremely hot.

"I wanna go watch the moon," I mumble, swallowing the last bite of my cookie.

"You got a thing for the moon?" Billie raises a brow.

"Kinda actually," I shrug.

"Well, let's go then!"

I can't help but let out a laugh as Billie puts her car into park at the top of a hill, giving us an immaculate view of the city lights and the moon. "What's so funny?" Billie questions.

"I'm sorry it's just..." I look into her eyes for a moment. I swear her eyes take my breath away it's all so damn cliche. "In like 99% of the fan fiction about you, you always take the person to a lookout."

"Oh my God. You said you wanted to watch the moon, where was I supposed to take you? Target?"


"Come, I have a blanket in my trunk."

I stifle another chuckle as I get out of the car, watching Billie lay down the blanket on the freshly cut grass. She sits down and pats the spot next to her. Sighing, I lay down onto my back, peering up at the sky.

It's insane how safe Billie makes me feel.

"So," Billie begins, laying down on her back beside me. "Tell me, why do you love the moon so much?"

I turn my head to look at her, her eyes capturing mine. "You're gonna make fun of me."

"No, I'm not. I swear on my mother's life."

"Damn," I mumble, averting my eyes back to the moon. "So, I guess my love for the moon extends from my cousin's love for the moon. She always took pictures of it and claimed she wanted to fly there one day. She was a bit of a science nerd and would nerd out about how cool the moon is. I like to believe she's living on the moon now."

"And I don't know, I guess the moon has been there when no one else was. It doesn't judge me, doesn't offer it's  unwanted insight or poor advice. I can talk to it and it just listens. I tell the moon my secrets sometimes... It listens, it listens better than any human ever could. Never will I have to worry about it repeating or miss repeating secrets to a judgmental crowd. The moon is always there, even if it wanes, even if I can't see it."

"Oh, and it doesn't hurt that it's beautiful. Nothing is as relaxing as staring at the moon and letting go of my problems and putting our little world in it's perspective. But like...the best part of the moon, is we are all under it. Everyone you've ever loved, everyone you miss at 3 AM is still under it's watchful case. Look up and you might just feel more connected to them. And somewhere, someone is probably looking at it at the same time as you.. I, I'm sorry I'm rambling." I stop speaking, feeling my cheeks heat with embarrassment.

"You're so fucking precious."

I turn my head back towards Billie just to see her full body turned towards me. Rolling my eyes I feel Billie's fingers lace between mine sending a wave of heat, safety, and belonging through my body. "Shut up."

"No, for real! Your soul is so precious, you're like no one I've ever met before."

"Um, so, what do you like to do in your free time?" I fail at changing the subject, causing Billie to throw her head back in laughter, our left hands still laced together.

"I like to think about you," she winks.

"I'm leaving," I start to stand up but she pulls me back down onto the blanket with a giggle.

I didn't realize we had been laying here chatting about random shit for this long when the sun begins to rise behind us, making the city a dark orange colour. Our conversation flowed from the moon to the sun, to music and back to family. Somehow we were laying here for three and a half hours without one awkward silence.

"If we don't leave now I might fall asleep," I speak mid-yawn.

"Ditto. Let's go back to my place and get some sleep," Billie stands up, helping me up along the way because somehow our hands are still locked together.


A/N: Sorry for this shitty chapter but you guys.. I promise the next one is gonna be SOOOOOOOO good.

Words: 1188

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