33|| she asked for my number

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A/N: Unedited, please forgive any errors :)

Oh also I'm like pretty sick and just took an 18 hour nap so updates might be slowish for a bit but idk.


I could hear the roar of the crowd as I sat on the couch in the green room, staring at my laptop. The e-mail I had typed out displayed on my screen and all I have to do now is hit 'send'. However, I can't get myself to do it. My finger has hovered over the button many times but I keep psyching myself out.

There's only a week left of this leg of the tour before we have a break. I told myself I would e-mail the publishing company before we got back to LA and I only have 7 days left. "Fuck," I mutter to myself, dropping my face in my hands. Luckily no one else is in here to watch me fight an eternal battle. I mean, seriously, it's just an e-mail, I need to chill.

I lift my head as I heard the door open. A girl I've never seen before walks in with a black backpack slung around one of her shoulders. She has a tan complexion and perfect curly hair. "Hi?" I question.

"Oh, hey. Sorry, I didn't think anyone would be in here," she apologizes, walking over to the mini fridge, and grabbing a bottle of water.

"It's okay," I mumble, "who are you?"

"Oh, my bad," she says enthusiastically, walking towards me, holding out her hand. "I'm Harley," she smiles.

I furrow my brows before shaking her hand. "Ember," I introduce myself.

"Yeah, I know," she chuckles, plopping down next to me on the couch. I feel myself recoil as I grow anxious.

"How?" I question.

"Oh, I dunno. I've just heard about how you're besties with Billie or whatever," she shrugs, taking a sip of water.

"Should I know you?"

"No," she shakes her head. "I'm just a roadie, I'm not important or anything."

"Since when is setting up equipment not important?"

She just shrugs her shoulders, her eyes averting to my laptop screen. "What's that?"

Nosy much?

"Nothing," I sigh, reaching out to shut the lid of the laptop but she reaches her hand out, stopping me.

"This doesn't look like nothing! Why haven't you sent it?"

"Umm, I just-" I'm cut off when she hits the send button without warning. "What the fuck!?"

"Well, you seemed to be struggling, so I did it for you," she smiles happily before she furrowed her brows. "Wait, why aren't you watching the show?"

"I could be asking you the same question."

"I never watch it, I prefer to wander around the venue or the whatever city we're in during the shows because as soon as it's over I gotta start packing up all the shit," she explained.

I nodded my head, still in shock that this girl just sent an e-mail that could potentially change my entire life. "Come with me!" She exclaims, standing up and holding out her hand.

"Where?" I ask skeptically.

"Dunno," she shrugs, "exploring. Stop thinking so much and come with me," she urges, waving her hand.

I shake my head, knowing this is probably a horrible idea. However, I get my ass off the couch, grab my phone and follow her as she leaves the green room. She starts giggling as she grabs my hand and starts running down the empty brick hallways until we reach the large metal back doors. She pushes them open and lets out a content sigh, turning in a circle with a smile on her face.

Ember || B.EWhere stories live. Discover now