45|| i was supposed to be here

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TW: Very brief mention of self-harm scars

A/N: Enjoy the last chapter omg 🥹

A/N: Enjoy the last chapter omg 🥹

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"That was seriously amazing. Thanks for getting me out of my office," I pull Billie into a hug as we walk up to her car, the sun shinning down on us.

"Of course, love. We had to celebrate this day somehow! My baby is a fucking published author," she pulls away, sending me the biggest smile she's ever smiled.

"I can't even believe it," I breathed out.

"Well, believe it, baby," she smirked, giving me a quick kiss before opening the passenger door for me.

This morning Billie woke me up with pancakes in bed and a bouquet of balloons beside the bed. This woman is so extra but I wouldn't want it any other way. We spent our morning cuddling while watching The Office, had Taco Bell for lunch and after that Billie told me to get dressed because she was taking me somewhere. After driving for about forty-five minutes I realized she was taking me to my aunt and uncle's house. Somehow she had gotten in contact with them and they agreed to let us come over and ride the horses for a few hours. It was the perfect celebration of my book release today.

"Okay, I have one more thing I want to do today," Billie smirked as she began driving down the freeway.

"For real? Billie, today has been perfect. I don't need another surprise," I chuckled.

"It's not really a surprise. I just want to take you out for a nice dinner," she shrugged casually.

"To Taco Bell?" I teased with a giggle.

"Nooo," she laughed, playfully pushing my shoulder. "No, it's a nice restaurant, I even had to make reservations 'n' shit," she teased.

"Woah!" I gasped sarcastically. "Reservations? Sounds fancy."

"Sush," she chuckled, reaching for my hand and intertwining our fingers with her free hand. "It is fancy. We get to dress up and pretend we're flowery people."

"I'm excited," I said truthfully.

"Good," she smiled at me quickly before focusing back on the road. What Billie doesn't know is that I ordered a bunch of new clothes a while back and one of them was a dress. I used to never feel confident enough in my own skin to wear a dress, especially the type of dress I ordered. I'm eager to finally have somewhere to wear it.


"Baby! You almost ready? We gotta get going," Billie called out. I took one last glance in the mirror. My hair was up in a ponytail, dangly silver earrings on, a simple necklace around my neck, and of course the dress. It was skin tight, pushing up my breasts to show off ample cleavage, cutouts on the back, and it reached just below my butt.

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