Chapter 13

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I don't know how long I slept, I woke up to someone stirring beside me. I flutter my eyes open and blearily look around to see it is already dark outside.

I hastily straighten up, a groan comes from my side and I whip my head around to see Steve moving on the bed, his hand still clutching mine.

"Steve." I shake his shoulders, when he keeps tossing, I place a hand over his forehead and to my relief, his fever is gone. I shake him once more.

"Steve, I gotta go. It's dark already, and no one knows I'm here."

He slowly blinks his eyes open and looks up at me with sleepy eyes.

"Hey." He smiles. I can't help but smile back, he looks really cute with his hair messy from the bed and a sleepy smile decorating his lips. I lean down and softly plant a kiss on his forehead.

"How are you feeling?" I ask, scraping his skull with my nails, he closes his eyes in peace. "Is your throat better?"

"Hmm" he hums, "I'm fine now. But please, don't go."

"I have to, love." The nickname just splutters out unintentionally, "Mom will be furious."

His eyes open at that and he frowns, "I don't like how your mom treats you."

My face lightly falls but I regain my smile and reply, "I don't care, so don't let it get to you."

He nods and grabs my hand that was carding through his hair, he brings it down and kisses my palm, swooning my insides with love overflowing everywhere.

"Thanks for staying."

"Anything for you." I smile.

Our eyes meet, and we stare at each other, I feel like wanting to drown in his ocean blue eyes, they're so pure and sparkly, they remind me of home, tranquility. They are the peace I have been looking for.

Without quite realizing, I start to lean down and Steve's hand flies up to cup the side of my face, he brings me further down untill our lips connect softly.

His lips taste of the herbal tea he drank, with a mix of mint and honey. They taste as sweet as his scent, and I can't help but smile into the kiss. Making it hard for us to keep kissing. He slightly pulls back and narrows his brows at me.

"Miss, If you keep smiling, how am I gonna kiss you?"

"I-I just can't-" I say inbetween small chuckles. "You taste so sweet."

"Oh yeah?"

"Uh-huh." I reply and he smiles cockily at me. "Alright, I'll actually leave now."

He pouts a bit but eventually agrees to let me go.

"How about we shift today's pending plan to tomorrow?" He inquires when I'm about to step out the door.

"Perfect." I smile, he winks at me and I leave right after.

This cheeky shit, always making me blush and feel all tingly inside.

But my cheeky shit.


Yelena and Maria both are currently sat in my room, I have called them to announce the ultimate. I can't keep it a secret from them any longer.

"How long do we have to watch your drama?" Yelena yawns as I pace infront of them.

"Shut up." I glare at her.

"Just tell us, Nat." Maria emphasizes.

"Okay, but please, don't freak out. Promise me?"

"How can we promise something we don't know of."

"Still, please."

"Alright alright." They finally agree and I breath in deeply.

"So-uh I'vefoundmymate."

They stare at me with stoic faces, I stare back with my teeth heartlessly biting on my bottom lip.

"Who?" Maria asks, nonchalantly while Yelena just shrugs, stifling another yawn.

I blink my eyes a few times. "Wait, it doesn't matter to you that I found my mate? Why aren't you freaking out?"

"You asked us not to."

"But- how-"

"Nat." Maria stands up, placing her hands on my shoulders. "We already knew.

Your attitude, behavior, everything has been changed ever since that dinner night. We can also pretty much guess who is it. But we want you to confirm it."

I just stare at her with my mouth wide open.

What the bloody hell? Have I that changed? Seriously?

"It's Steve."

"Confirmed." Yelena says from the bed where she has laid down already.

Maria goes over to her and lays down as well, and they boh start to laugh loudly. I just narrow my eyes at the devils.

"Why didn't any of you say anything to me?" I ask, jumping to sit in the middle of them, my legs crossed.

"We wanted you to be ready to tell us. To trust us. And we also understand why you wanted to hide it." Yelena replies. I affectionately rub her arm in empathy, she grimaces.

"Eww don't go all sisterly with me now."

Maria and I laugh. "But you are my baby sister." I quickly glance over at Maria who smirks back at me.

"Nope, Nat. No p-please-" before she can finish we both tackle her into a tickle fight. Maria starts tickling her sides while I go over her neck, where she's the most ticklish.

"P-please n-no! NO! PLEASE!" she screams loudly inbetween laughter and we all erupt into giggles.

"Mercy mercy!" She yells and we finally stop, letting her go and flop back down on the bed, staring up at the ceiling. Laughing in short breaths.

"It's been so long since we had a girls' night." Maria huffs.

"I know. How about we make it one tonight?" Yelena suggests, and I can't agree more.

"Shall we watch a movie? Or do makeup?" I suggest.

"Or wolf out and run around the woods?" Yelena says.

"Nope, it's too dangerous as you're still a pup. I can't risk it." I deny.

"Please nat! I'm 15 already!"

"No means no."

She pouts a bit, looking down at her lap. I get an idea.

"Who wants to wear my white gown?" I wiggle my eyebrows and her face immediately lits up as she jumps. "I do!"

"Alright then. Yelena and I will dress up and Maria will first do makeup on us then she'll dress up and we'll do makeup on her."

"Perfect." Maria claps her hands while we get to work.

Well, to say we had fun the rest of the night will be an understatement.

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