Chapter 2

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Sakura wasn't paying attention when Iruka first started announcing the teams, instead choosing to listen to the voices chat. She only started listening when one claimed that her team was next. She trusted it, of course; they were often right when it came to these sorts of things. It was honestly kind of scary.

"Team 7 will contain Naruto Uzumaki, Sakura Haruno, and Sasuke Uchiha."

As Naruto became downtrodden when he heard Sasuke was on his team and Sasuke reacted with indifference, Sakura found herself thinking, 'Well that was predictable.'

Mhm! Top rookie, top kunoichi, and dead last!

I'm still mad that the top kunoichi can't also be the top rookie.

Sexist bastards. Those kunoichi classes are useless anyways.

Sakura couldn't have said it better herself. As the rest of the teams were announced, she found herself wondering who her sensei would be.

Hopefully someone strong!

And actually competent.

And nice too!

Sakura hoped her sensei was all of those things too, or at least two of those things. She'd settle for them being strong and competent; she could handle a little meanness.

Soon, the senseis began to round up their teams. But for some reason, Team 7's sensei was running late. It was after a while when every other team except for theirs had left the room. Iruka gave them an apologetic look before leaving.

Sakura supposed she wouldn't be having a competent sensei then. It was three hours after the initial gathering period and their sensei still wasn't here. By this point, Naruto had set up a simple prank using the door and even Sasuke was starting to look a little annoyed.

Wait a second!

There's only one person who's this late to everything!

Is it who I think it is?

'Guys, calm down. You're getting a little loud and I don't need my teammates asking me why I'm in pain.' Sakura told them. She heard tiny unanimous "Sorry Sakura"'s before focusing on the door, which was finally being opened. The eraser Naruto had coated in chalk dust and wedge in between the crack in the door fell onto a messy head of grey hair.

It it him!


Big man Kakashi!

'Guys, volume.' Sakura told them. Jeez, the voices seemed very excited about this man.  Sakura had heard of him, of course. Her grandpa had supposedly worked with him, not to mention she read the Bingo Book. Sakura just hoped he was good at teaching.

Blood for the Blade's Granddaughter (Naruto X Dream SMP Fanfic)Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora