Chapter 8

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Sakura had never had a complete blackout before. She usually curled up in bed when the voices got too bad, and she could barely move. She never got up and attacked anyone, more or less continued to fight after her vision went blank.

One minute, she was tackling Sasuke. The next, she was being bound to a tree stump by Kakashi as Naruto and Sasuke watched. Sasuke was covered in cuts, most predominantly on his face. She could feel herself beginning to still and knew she must have been thrashing, trying to get free. Kakashi noticed her zoning back into reality and tilted his head and gave what Sakura assumed was a smile.

"You back with us?" He asked.

Sakura nodded, her eyes drooping as she suddenly felt very tired. Kakashi's voice became background noise as she focused on the very quiet chatter in her head.

Sakura! Thank God you're okay!

Don't worry, everybody's fine! Kakashi came and stopped you before you could do much damage!

You may have some explaining to do.

"Hey, come on, don't blank out again." Kakashi said, snapping his fingers in front of her face. "We just got you back, and I think you own your teammates and explanation for why you went and tried to kill one."

"A-Ah, um..." Sakura tried to wrack her brain for an excuse, but she could find none. Now she was nervous; she hadn't even told her parents about the voices, more or less a sensei she had just met. She took a breath. It would be fine. "P-Promise you won't think I'm crazy?"

"Promise." Kakashi assured.

"Okay, um..." Sakura tried to think of the best way to explain her situation. "So, my grandpa was a shinobi and he heard these...voices. A week after he disappeared, I somehow...started hearing them. T-They normally don't get this bad though, I swear-"

"Your grandpa was ANBU operative Technoblade, wasn't he." Kakashi asked- no, he stated. As if he already figured. Still, Sakura nodded, giving him the conformation he needed.

"I figured as much. The eyes and hair gave it away for me. You look like a carbon copy of him." Kakashi claimed. Sakura was about to respond, but then heard a tiny mutter coming from Naruto of all people. 

"You have something in your head too...?"

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