Chapter 18

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Sakura didn't remember much of the fight after she had decided to face Zabuza. She felt fuzzy all over, and her head was aching. But she knew she had to keep going. She had to make them proud. She couldn't hear much either, not with the voices kicked into high gear. All she could hear was them telling her to spill blood that wasn't hers.

Sakura thinks she remembers her teammates getting involved too. She couldn't tell; her vision was starting to blur. But she saw a blob of orange surround Zabuza and knew without a doubt it was Naruto. 

After a certain point, she could hear water splashing and Kakashi's voice. At that point, Naruto and Sasuke (she thinks) started forcibly dragging her away from the shore and back to dry land. She would've fought to stand against Zabuza, but Sakura was hurting and tired. Plus, now that Kakashi was free, she was sure he could handle it.

Sakura didn't remember anything that happened after that. Her vision was fuzzy and her body ached, and she couldn't hear anything over the voices assuring her that she and her team were going to be okay.

She started coming back to reality when Kakashi collapsed and Zabuza was gone. Naruto made a bunch of clones to help carry Kakashi, and Sasuke put Sakura on his back. Sakura knew the fight was over, and she allowed herself to slip into unconsciousness.

When she came to, she was in an unfamiliar house. The ache that persisted during her fight was dulled and her teammates surrounded her. It seemed Kakashi was still down for the count.

"Sakura! Thank god you're okay!" Naruto exclaimed as he grabbed her in a hug.

Sakura! You're awake!

Your team is okay. Everyone is safe.

You did good, kid.

"You idiot, what the hell were you thinking?!" Sasuke said once Naruto let go. "If not for Naruto and I, you'd be dead!"

"Hey, don't underestimate Sakura! She had it!" Naruto said, coming to Sakura's defense.

"Idiot, she was concussed! I don't care if she has those voices. She isn't immortal!" Sasuke retorted.

Yeah, he does have a point.

Sorry, Sakura.

We'll try to think of you more next time.

"Sasuke's right, I'm sorry." Sakura said.

"Don't ever do that again. Enough people I cared about have died, you cannot scare me like that." Sasuke insisted.

Oh, poor boy.

He's in such pain. I can see it.

We'll be careful. For him. For both of them.

"I won't, I promise. I'll be safe." Sakura claimed.

That guarantee seemed to settle Sasuke for the moment. The three of them then looked over to Kakashi, who was lying across from Sakura.

"Oh, I almost forgot! Is Tazuna okay?" Sakura asked, suddenly remembering why they were in this position in the first place.

Naruto nods. "Yeah, he's in the kitchen. His daughter Ms. Tsunami took care of you and Sensei. She's real nice, y'know?"

As if on cue, Tazuna and a dark-haired woman walked in from what Sakura was their kitchen. "Well, there's a sight for sore eyes! You look like you feel like crap, kid." Tazuna stated.

Sakura sighed. "That's what happens when you go toe-to-toe with an S-Rank missing-nin."

"I tell ya Tsuna, this little brat over here is either the bravest or stupidest person I've met!" Tazuna said, turning to the lady. As she was about to speak, everyone heard a groan from Kakashi as he slowly opened his eyes.

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