Chapter 25.5

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Tsunami stood at the kitchen sink, washing the dishes from breakfast earlier that day. The team of shinobi and her father had just headed out a while ago. Even the boy Naruto. He awoke from his slumber and instantly went to join his team. Tsunami thought he was supposed to be taking it easy but maybe the boy healed fast.

Tsunami was grateful that her father had someone to guard him in the first place. Lord knows he needed all the help he could get.

As Tsunami got ready to put the dishes in the cabinets, she suddenly felt a gust of wind as one of the house's walls was sliced in. On the other side stood two swordsmen, Gato's mercenaries.

"Tazuna's daughter, right?" One of them spoke. "You're coming with us."

Inari stood at the bathroom sink, washing his hands. He was in a little bit of a mood today because of what happened at dinner yesterday. He couldn't stop thinking about it.

As he prepared to dry his hands, he heard someone screaming. That was his mama. What was happening? He quickly rushed out of the bathroom to the source of the scream and saw his mama on the ground with two people with swords in front of her. 

"Mom?!" He yelled, catching the attention of the swordsmen.

"Inari, run! Get out of here!" Tsunami shouted.

"Should we grab him too?" One of the men asked.

"We only need one hostage." The other replied.

H-Hostage?! Inari thought to himself. They're gonna take Mama?

"Well, that's too bad for him, ain't it?" The first man muttered, getting ready to brandish his sword.

"STOP!" Tsunami shouted. "If you dare to touch him, I'll bite through my tongue and choke on my blood! Then what will you do for a hostage?!"

As the two turned their attention back to Tsunami, Inari curled up behind a nearby wall, sobbing. Mama, I'm so sorry...I can't protect you...

He once again thought back to the day before. To the shinobi. The one boy who yelled at him. Naruto. He was ultimately right. What use did it do Inari just sitting here, crying while his mama was being taken away? He thought back to the way that team protected his grandpa, even though there was a chance of them dying for it.

All of them are so strong.

He thought of the story the grey-haired man told him. The story of a man who was strong because he was loyal. Because he fought for what he believed in. He thought of a man with bright pink hair and picked himself off the floor, drying his tears.

Can...Can I be strong too? Like the shinobi?

Like Dad?

Like...Like Technoblade?

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