Chapter 13

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"We'll be able to see the bridge in a moment." A man informs the group.

After the whole confessional with Tazuna, the group had to travel across a river to the Land of Waves with the help of a gentleman and his boat. Tazuna had requested that the man help with his boat and the man obliged, most only because Tazuna himself was a vital piece to the bridge's completion.

After a bit of rowing, the bridge was finally visible past the fog. And it was gigantic.

"Wooooah! It's huge!" Naruto exclaimed.

"Hey, keep it down!" The man chastised. "This mist will keep us hidden, but we gotta be quiet, unless you want Gato to catch us."

Naruto covered his mouth with his hands and nodded as the boat took an inland waterway through the small town. The town was built using basic wood materials and was looking worse for wear. The sailor then landed his boat at a dock and allowed the group to step off. Tazuna quickly thanked the man before they went on their way. As the group began walking to their destination, Naruto suddenly whipped out a shuriken and threw it into a nearby group of bushes.

"Hey, brat, what the hell was that?!" Tazuna chastised, as Naruto tried to play it off before childishly looking around some more.

I think he's trying a little too hard...

He's probably trying to make up for earlier.

Over there.

Sakura turned her head just as Naruto threw another shuriken. This time, Kakashi went to check what Naruto was aiming for. It seemed he also sensed something was off. As Kakashi pushed past the leaves, Sakura saw that Naruto had almost hit a white rabbit. As Naruto panicked over the fact that he almost hit an innocent creature, Sakura instinctively knew something was going to happen.

White rabbits were only around during winter. It was currently spring. This rabbit was most likely a decoy, which could only mean-

G e t d o w n.

Sakura dropped to the dirt and dragged Naruto with her just as Kakashi shouted and pulled Tazuna and Sasuke down to the ground. An absolutely massive sword went flying over their heads and inputted itself into the trunk of a nearby tree as someone landed on top of the handle.


Oh, no, oh no.

We know that sword.

Sakura looked up from the ground to see a bulking man standing on the handle with bandages wrapped around the lower portion of his face and a crooked headband on his head. It looked like it was from the mist, yet it had a slash through it. This was a rouge shinobi. 

"There you are. If it's not too much trouble, hand over the old man now." He demanded. His eyes scanned the group before stopping on Sakura, vague recognition showing in his eyes.

This is bad. I think he knows who we are.

Your body is not skilled enough yet, do not engage.

Stay away, protect our client and our boys.

"By any chance," The shinobi began. "Do any of you happen to know of Takashi Haruno? Cuz I think I'm looking at his little girl and I'm itching to see if she lives up to him."

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