Chapter 21

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Sakura stretched her arms upward and yawned, the bones in her shoulders slightly cracking with how high she'd stretched her arms. She was currently on the bridge with Tazuna and his men. She'd run herself into the ground practicing tree-walking the day before, and Kakashi claimed that she was ready to help guard the bridge. Sakura did wish she got a bit more training from Kakashi, but she understood that Tazuna being guarded took priority for the moment.

So far, there wasn't any danger to be seen. It was just her, Tazuna, and Tazuna's workers on the bridge. It was a slightly depressing sight to behold. Sakura had thought Tazuna was far too skinny, but seeing the other workers made it clear that Tazuna was more well-off with them. The completion of the bridge was a necessity. It was the only thing these people could look forward to. It was their only reason to live.

So Sakura watched and waited. She'd offer to help with tasks around the construction zone, but she had no experience and would probably get in the way. Still, the temptation was growing because of the number of workers who laid down their tools and quit in the middle of the day simply because they didn't want to earn Gato's wrath. Still, Tazuna kept going.

When construction was done for the day, Tazuna packed his tools and told Sakura that they'd have to pick up some food so Tsunami could cook for them. Sakura felt a bit guilty; these people didn't have much, yet here was her team, taking up a valuable resource. Needless to say, she'd be eating her ration bars tonight.

When they got to the store, Sakura felt her heart clench even more simply because of the lack of food held within the store's walls. The lack of supply and increased demand had made everything in the store ridiculously expensive. Tazuna got the bare necessities; a bag of rice, some meats that were overpriced for their poundage, and some wilted vegetables and bruised fruits. Sakura would offer to pay, but she thought that Tazuna would take it as needless pity.

Not to burst your bubble, but someone's about to go for your bag.

Sure enough, Sakura felt a hand brush against her backside. Sakura turned and delivered a swift kick to the man's torso. "Keep your hands to yourself, ya hear?!" She shouted.

As the man collapsed, Tazuna walked back towards her, having finished paying for his groceries. When they left the store, Sakura thought that'd be the end of it until she felt a small tug on her skirt. When she turned around, she saw a small, emaciated child holding out his hands. Sakura's heart clenched painfully as she gave the child some yen and a few pieces of candy.

"It's been like this for a while," Tazuna said as the two continued to head back to his home. "Ever since Gato arrived, this place has changed for the worse."

"That's why you need this bridge done," Sakura said. "This is your only hope for freedom."

Tazuna nods, as the two arrive back at his house. They walked through the door to see Kakashi doing sit-ups in the living room and Tsunami preparing pots and pans in the kitchen. Her son Inari was nowhere to be seen.

"Ah, welcome back! Just drop those off in here!" Tsunami said as Tazuna took the bags away.

"Tree climbing still not agreeing with the boys?" Sakura asked Kakashi.

"Well, not everyone grasps chakra control exercises as well as you do," Kakashi said. "I'll retrieve them when it's time to eat."

Sakura nodded and retreated into the guest room where she and her teammates were staying. Knowing she had a while to wait, she took out her backpack to get a book she'd brought.

Art of War! Art of War!

Do we have any Greek mythology in here?

What about some Lovecraft horror?

Sakura smiled to herself and plucked out a random book. She looked at the cover; it was a history book on the nations. This was one that she had yet to read, so she sat down on the futon and began reading.

Sakura didn't know how much time she'd spent reading. But she felt a wave of confusion go through her head as she got to a new section. It was titled "Uzushiogakure - Former Home of the Uzumaki Clan".

Uzumaki....wasn't that Naruto's last name? He had a clan? But she thought he was an orphan. What did this mean?

Sakura didn't have time to process this, because Kakashi knocked on the door to let her know that the food was ready.

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