Chapter 10

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It'd been a few weeks since Team 7 had "passed" Kakashi's test. They'd since been assigned to complete a number of D-Ranks every week for an unspecified amount of time. Sakura and her teammates were quickly becoming bored. 

Sure, it was a little funny to watch Naruto try and walk a gigantic dog, only to be dragged by it, but watching your friends hilariously fail at tasks could only entertain you for so long. The voices were entertained a bit longer than Sakura herself was, but even they got bored and began to complain, especially since they had to catch the same wretched cat over and over.

"They say that if we have to catch Tora one more time, they will rip the cat to shreds." Sakura muttered to Kakashi as they report back to Hokage's office after finishing the catch-and-retrieve mission for what must have been the millionth time.

"We can't kill our village's main source of income." Kakashi whispered back as Hiruzen began to list off more missions that they could take. Of course, he didn't get very far into the list before Naruto began to complain (justly so). This, of course, led to Iruka and Hiruzen delivering a lecture that everyone tuned out.

What is it with the old man and lecturing?

He does this all the time.

I sure as hell didn't miss this.

'Because of course you've heard all this before.' Sakura thought as she began to count the tiles on the floor from sheer boredom. 

"...very well." Hiruzen said, just as Sakura made it to 53 floor tiles. "I will permit your team to handle a C-Rank mission. You will be tasked with the protection of a certain individual."

"All right!" Naruto cheered. "Who is it? Some great lord? The Damiyo? A princess?"

Aww, he's so excited!

I remember our first C-Rank!

Let's hope nothing goes wrong...

"Calm yourself. I'll introduce you." Hiruzen said. "Please send him in."

The door creaked open, and the first thing Sakura processed was the smell of alcohol. The second thing she processed was the appearance of the man who stumbled his way into the room. He was an elderly man carrying a pack on his back and a bottle of sake.

"Heh, what's this? I wanted shinobi, not some snot-nosed brats." The man said, taking a swig from his bottle. "And what's with the midget? You sure he's really a shinobi?"

Oof, poor Naruto.

Sucks to be the shortest.

How dare he insult our boi.

As soon as Naruto registered that the man was insulting him, he ran to try and attack but was stopped by Kakashi. "No killing our client." He said with a discreet look at Sakura.

Bruh this dude has no faith in us.

"I am Tazuna. I'm a bridge builder." The man finally introduced. "It is your job to get me back home, even if it costs your lives!"

Sakura had only one thought that the voices agreed with: This cannot end well for us.

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