Chapter 5

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As soon as Kakashi gave the signal to start, Sakura immediately leapt into the nearby trees, much to the displeasure of the voices.

We attack, not hide.

Do something.

Cut him, make him bleed.

He gave us permission. Do it.

'I need a strategy first.' Sakura told them. 'I promise I will fight, just give me a bit to plan.'

That seemed to settle them down for the moment. As Sakura watched Naruto rush towards Kakashi without a care, she started thinking of different idea she could use, keeping her eyes on the way Kakashi fought. Unsurprisingly, he wiped the floor with Naruto and proceeded to walk into the small forest Sakura was hiding in.

Sakura went to move; if she stayed in one spot then Kakshi would surely find her. She suddenly felt a small pull at her mind, but it was quickly disrupted.


Sakura smiled to herself. That was an advantage the voices gave her. Whenever they sensed a genjutsu being placed on her, they would immediately disrupt it before it could affect her. Of course, it would take longer with higher level genjutsu, but what Kakashi used on her was child's play for the voices to dismantle.

He's underestimating us.

We need to show him.

Cut him. Make him bleed. Forget the bells.

We will show him.

Sakura found herself agreeing with the voices. Who did Kakashi think she was? She graduated for a reason. Amongst all the other clan heirs and prodigies, she was one of the few civilian children that stood with them. Kakashi needed to see that she wasn't a frail little girl who didn't know her place in the world. Instead, she was the granddaughter of a dangerous shinobi and had inherited his most dangerous asset.

Forget the bells indeed. This was going to be about proving herself.

"Looking for someone?"

Speak of the devil. There he was, Kakashi.

"I'm impressed that you broke that so quickly. You didn't even use hand signs. Seems your records when it comes to breaking genjutsu are correct." Kakashi stated. "But records and grades mean nothing during this test. Are you ready to try and get the bells?"

Sakura answered by taking out a kunai.




'It'll happen, I promise.' Sakura assures them. She didn't know where she got this surge of confidence from, but she didn't care. She had to draw blood for them. She had to. Had to...

Kakashi began rushing towards her. Sakura took a breath.

We will help you.

Spill blood.

Be faster, stronger.

Blood for the Blood God.

Sakura felt powerful.

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