Chapter 11

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"ALL RIGHT! ROAD TRIP!" Naruto shouted, as he moved about excitedly. "This is the first time in my life I've ever been outside the village!"

"Am I really expected to put my life in the hands of this idiot?!" Tazuna complained.

"No need to fear. I'll be along as well." Kakashi assured, as Naruto began to further antagonize Tazuna.

This lil dude won't learn, will he?

I think it's adorable!

Yeah, he's trying so hard!

As the group left the gates and began their journey, Kakashi began explaining how the village system worked. Sakura tuned it out, of course; if she really wanted to know all this, she'd ask the voices. They'd at least deliver the information in an interesting way.

Aw, we're flattered!

She thinks we're interesting!

Does anyone else think Tazuna's acting kinda suspicious?

It was the last comment that caught Sakura's attention, and she diverted her attention to Tazuna. For someone who was in minimal danger, he was acting oddly on guard. Of course, it was always good to be careful, but it seemed like he was expecting something bad to happen. 

As the group passed a puddle, the voices suddenly went wild, and Sakura had to hold in a wince. 

Danger danger danger

Puddle is wrong something's wrong

Prepare for attack prepare for danger

Sakura took the advice and raised her guard; the voices were often right when danger was near.

B e h i n d y o u.

Sakura turned her head and just barely caught a chain coming into view before Kakashi was seemingly ripped apart. As blood splattered everywhere, the voices began chanting for Sakura to do something already as the two shinobi that were attacking turned their attention to Naruto.

The boy was frozen; he couldn't defend himself, he was so scared, God dammit DO SOMETHING!

It barely took any effort for Sakura to take out a kunai and throw it straight into one of the shinobi's skull. As Kakashi suddenly reappeared and captured the other, revealing his "death" was faked all along, Sakura felt a strange buzz of delight as the voices practically purred in satisfaction.

She had just killed someone. It was so easy.

She liked it.

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