Chapter 2

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Chapter 2.

It all made sense now, I understood why Chabashira-sensei was asking if I had any further questions.

After the entrance ceremony, I stayed behind to chat with a few of my fellow classmates. The first person who I got to know was a girl named Kushida Kikyou.

She was the girl that sat next to Eiichiro, the one that I indicated whom I wanted to switch seats with. She was an incredibly bubbly personality who seemed overjoyed at switching seats with me. She even insisted on paying half for the seat switch, saying over and over that it was no issue.

There were others after, almost exclusively girls which was surprising. Aside from Hirata Yousuke, the blonde boy who suggested we introduce ourselves in the classroom, I also met Karuizawa Kei, Satou Maya and Shinohara Satsuki. They were quite pleasant, if not a little overbearing.

This morning however, I was making my way back to the dorms from the gym. As per my usual schedule, I woke up at 4:30am without my alarm, got ready and made my way there.

At the entrance ceremony, I spoke to a few senpai's who were watching from the gallery. The first thing that I noticed was that he was quite rude. He looked disheveled and angrily asked if I was mocking him. Confused, I asked why he would think that before he told me to piss off angrily stomping away.

"Don't mind him, he's from class D." A girl who saw the exchange offered.

I turned around and looked at her in confusion.

"Ah, my apologies kouhai. My name is Nazuna Asahina from class A,"

"Ayanokouji Kiyotaka from class D," I responded politely with a bow. "Why would he be like that just because he's from class D, Senpai?"

Her eyes widened at her slip up. She bit her lip slightly before carefully answering me.

"Oh, never mind. I overheard what you asked, I'm from the Student Council. If you like I can show you where the gym is located on your Admission Guide." Nazuna-senpai offered quickly.

She was polite but there was something about the way she brushed over the detail she accidentally slipped out that had me on guard.

She took out a pen and started circling locations. I noticed that the further away from the dorms, the cheaper the locations were. Also the price directly influenced the differing locations in terms of service. The 24 hour gym located closest to the dorms had a price of 5000 points per month, while the location located on the outskirts which required a bus to reach was only 300 per month with limited opening hours.

After her explanation she put the pen away before tapping me on the shoulder. She inched so close to my ear that I could feel her breath on my neck as she spoke.

"Please, don't tell anyone about my slip up." She whispered before pulling away looking straight into my eyes. She looked frightened.

"What slip up?" I asked in faux confusion.

She instantly relaxed, smiling gratefully before pulling out her phone.

"Let's exchange contact info, okay? I'll treat you to lunch or something at Pallet Café if you'd like."

With that I exchanged details with someone else for the first time in my life. After waving goodbye and walking off I looked up to see what my classmates were doing only to see Eiichiro grinning at me, almost bouncing at the opportunity to tease me.

The girls were blushing and whispering to each other while two boys in particular were glaring at me as though they were trying to kill me with their eyes. I rejoined the group to hear hushed voices of the two boys angrily talking to each other.

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