Chapter 47

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A/N: Alright, that's the filler 4.5 out of the way. It's time to begin the Sport's Fest. Fluff filler is finally over.

This whole arc is a complete canon divergence. I have big plans for this one :) Hopefully you guys enjoy it.

Thanks to Zook who beta read this one for me on demand on short notice. I'm fired up ever since Y2V9 came out so strong :D

I've decided that I want to be the Student Council President. My first order of business is rather simple. I've been thinking and strategizing on how I could make my dream a reality throughout the entirety of our first day back at school. For some reason, no matter how I rationalize it in my brain, I can't seem to figure out a way to make my dream a reality.

My agenda is simple. I think that we should switch the amount of time we spend on classes and holidays. Only a few weeks of study maximum with the remaining time as rest. Simple and effective. I should win a Nobel prize for this epiphany.

Although, while the newly promoted Class C looks motivated around me to do better now that they've had life breathed back into them and the race is so tight, this band of monkeys could probably use all the study time they could get.

Irrespective, one revelation has come to the forefront on the first day of school. I now know who Eiichiro got into a fight with and he was indeed worse off than Eiichiro. While my best friend had a busted lip and a bruised cheek, Yamauchi looked like he'd been hit by a train. One of his eyes was swollen, he was regularly holding his side as if he was in constant pain and walked with a severe limp. Whatever it was, apparently it made Sudo annoyed to the point that he hadn't even gone with the idiots during lunch break.

I miss my friend, don't get me wrong, but the best way to support someone is to encourage their endeavors and it was obvious that he was starting to bear fruit. While the progress was slow and required active thinking on his part, there were noticeable changes. Changes that the girls around the class also started to notice.

For one, he joined the Basketball Club with Sudo. While he was tall and lanky, you can't teach height. I've tried and failed numerous times to encourage him to train with me in the gym, a healthy body breeds a clear mind. It must have been the fact that he was in a new environment surrounded by people who encouraged him and didn't seem like an insurmountable cordillera that gave him drive. For that reason, when Sudo eagerly asked if I wanted to join in with them while they trained on their days off away from the club, I very politely declined. Even if I wanted to play, it wouldn't do well to crush Eiichiro's spirits when he was just starting out just as I'd naively done in my youth.

It wasn't just that, he was actively changing the way he interacts with people. He spoke slower and listened actively. He even seemed to remain silent when he didn't know the answer to questions he was asked, capable and willing to think things through diligently while allowing people to wait for his answer even if it caused them discomfort. It wasn't natural, it was a learned behavior but it was progressing.

Not only that but the moment I opened the door to homeroom I was greeted with a punch straight to the gut from Horikita. I let out a surprise 'oomph' at the impact while Horikita glared at me furiously. Either Horikita really was on her period or she was spiteful enough to pay me back the moment she saw me.

"Okay, I deserved that one," I admitted.

"There's more where that came from," Horikita vowed.

It wasn't until after lunch that things started to change. Lunch in the cafeteria with Honami went as usual, aside from the fact that she would continually take suspicious glances in my direction. It wasn't only her, almost everyone from the first year was doing the same.

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