Chapter 14

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"This is wonderful, Kiyotaka. You truly know how to make me feel special,"

I was out eating dinner with Arisu at a nice restaurant. Her favorite to be exact, every dish on the table was her favorite. From the drinks, to the entree, appetizers and desserts. Everything here in front of us was Arisu's favorite food.

While I'm lazy, I do adore my sister. It was nice to treat her and spend time with her, I was spending most of my time with Ichinose and my class so it was rare that I got to see her. It was nice to be able to afford luxuries like this, but it was even nicer to share it with Arisu. I couldn't spend points like this often, I was supposed to be broke.

As far as everyone knew, I had pretty much nothing. It wasn't like I was doing any jobs or anything like that, so it wouldn't be plausible that I had points to spend. But I had so many right now and realistically I was probably one of if not the wealthiest individual students on campus right now.

BUDDY was booming. Quite literally, the moment the payments were unfrozen everyone was spending like absolute degenerates. I completely missed the mark exactly like that smirking bastard predicted. Forty eight thousand points didn't even sniff the territory of my predicted amount. I really did make an uncharacteristic blunder, I miscalculated how much the cut of purchases would net me.

One point seven million points in three days. Three days. Being truthful as the month continued to roll it was unrealistic to think that this pace could continue, most people were probably waiting for the new month to roll in. It was interesting, apparently most students in the school were incapable of saving.

But there was something else, something that made me a little prideful of the school that I had been admitted to. Something that made me feel kinship with those around me. Students at this school were lazy. Really lazy. Unbelievably lazy...

I originally thought that I could count on half of the student population using the app once per day. It wasn't the case, the low fee point meant that everyone was using it, more than once per day. For things that I didn't even foresee, it brought a genuine feeling of pride from my heart. I was like a proud father watching my newborn take its first steps.

Paying people to stand in the cafeteria, paying people to save them seats at Pallet and the like. Even something so mundane as paying someone to pick up their groceries for them. It was glorious. I felt a kinship to my fellow classmates that I'd never felt before. It was moving, like I was finally in a place where I really belonged.

There was also a sad side to all of this, I now knew that people in the school were lonely. It was a strange thing to be able to peek behind the curtain, no one knew that I was able to see the transaction history. All of that was private, but as administrator I was able to see it.

There was a scary amount of people, almost exclusively male, from class A and B in the upper classes who were anonymously posting looking for dates. It was a sad thing to think about, that you would be so lonely that you would request something as basic as human interaction. It was something I took for granted and it genuinely made me feel bad for people.

I'm not a cruel person, I was opportunistic, greedy and even I'll admit a little manipulative but not malicious. I didn't take joy in having my app reveal such realities, I didn't laugh at their misfortunes. But it helped people so I rationalized it. If it meant that someone had a friend to eat with even if they had to pay for it, then that was okay, wasn't it?

At this point the amount of points I was raking in it may as well be board game money.

But at the moment I couldn't spend any of it. Class D still had their allowance frozen until Sudo was cleared and at the moment people who saw me spending points assumed that it was because Arisu was paying for things for me. It was a good cover and I was a little grateful that she didn't refute the rumors.

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