Chapter 48

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The only time I've been in this hall was during the Entrance Ceremony. While then it resembled a school event, this time it looked more like a press conference. It was almost militaristic, I imagine if there were ever any old videos of some of the dictatorships of old, it would look similar to what I was seeing from the stage.

The entire student populous while surrounded by teachers, staff, security and media, all of them clapping in unison as if it were scripted. Even students like Ryuen who were delinquents were following suit as Sasaki pandered to all of them, waving to them as if this were an election campaign. With downward movements of both his hands, they all fell back down to their seats and remained quiet as if he were a puppetmaster.

Throughout the entire ordeal, I was blinded by the flashes of the cameras once again. Despite the fact that I was off to one side, it would seem like half the cameras were directed at me. Many of the reporters changed angles to get the best shot they could of both the Prime Minister and I at the same time.

"Thank you, thank you," Sasaki said graciously as the clapping died down. "Thank you all for your warm welcomes. Being back in this place has brought back many fond memories for me. Just as all of you are making them, there was a time that I was sitting in your very seats as a student of this school."

As Sasaki began his speech, a white projector screen unfurled itself behind his head as the screen lit up with a still image of the school's emblem.

"As all of you know, Advanced Nurturing High School and the Government have a long-withstanding relationship. When interests align, marvelous things happen. There is no greater commitment to our country than the future generations so that our history does not die with us and our legacy remains.

"Japan has always been at the forefront both traditionally and in modern times. We have remained relevant as a nation through our commitment to always looking to the future while never forgetting our past. As times change, so too must we. It is this constant battle of remembering our history while looking to the future that is a constant battle in our everyday life.

"Today marks a historical event. Today we strive for change. For the first time in the history of this institution, Advanced Nurturing High School will give a glimpse to the taxpayers into what this establishment stands for. What it represents. What it strives to accomplish.

"This is why the Government is announcing today that the Annual Sports Festival will be a live broadcast event. One that will be aired to the nation so that they can see the talent that they're fostering and sponsoring. Taxpayers have been left in the dark about how our talented youth have been nurtured and it is my hope that during my term, they can see that their hard earned money hasn't gone to waste.

"To achieve this goal, the event will be televised nationally with many esteemed guests in attendance."

Even with an announcement like this none of the Students spoke amongst themselves, too shocked by the scale of this event. It was as though every living soul was breathing in unison, trying to keep as quiet as possible so they could hang on to every word.

"As a former Student of Advanced Nurturing High School and a graduate of Class A, I know firsthand that there are levels in abilities of individual students even between classes. In the interest of showcasing the very best your school has to offer, each Class from 1-D through to 3-A will have one Featured Athlete.

"These Featured Athletes will compete not with the school but with each other. Now, many of you may believe it unfair that younger students will have to face the adversity of competing with more developed older students. However, the purpose of this school is to showcase the talent and exceptionalism of its students. A difference in age should not be a determining factor when competition is at its finest." Sasaki continued.

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