Chapter 43

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"Alright, alright. Is everyone here yet?" Eiichiro asked again.

"We're still waiting on Matsushita-san!" Satou called loudly.

We decided to meet in our classroom, the chatter around the room was palpable. Even Chabashira-sensei was there, I had no idea how she knew about our meeting but she did. I suppose Eiichiro might have told her about it but there was every possibility that it was someone else.

I didn't know that she had any other clothes aside from the business attire that she wore to classes, she looked like a student. A pale yellow sundress and a large wide brimmed straw hat in her hand. Yamauchi was panting like a dehydrated baboon that couldn't find water in the savannah. To be fair, he wasn't the only one. Sotomura and Hondo were both trying to be discreet but they were inexperienced.

"Why are you here, Sae-chan-sensei?" Yamauchi asked excitedly.

"I was informed of your plans today, I wanted to be here to join in on the excitement. Do I have your permission?" Chabashira asked frostily.

"I'm here!" Matsushita said frantically as she opened the door and ran in, saving Yamauchi from having to answer.

September 1st, the day when the points had come through. It was early morning, everyone was so desperately excited for their share of the points. Despite the fact that I'd given them the keys, this was a team effort. The names had to be submitted from within the group, which meant today we were all meeting so that we could distribute the points.

I didn't really need the points, I just needed the illusion that I needed the points so that I could do some shopping without it looking out of place. Everyone knew I didn't work, if I did it would stick out even more than spending like a complete degenerate.

Six million points distributed forty ways. The class was excited, they'd all been poor since the first month had ended. Some of them before the second week had started.

"Okay, now that everyone is here we should all discuss what is going to happen with the points." Eiichiro said firmly.

"What the hell are you talking about?" Yamauchi said angrily. "Six million points split forty ways. That's... that's..." Yamauchi frowned, doing the math in his head.

"One hundred and fifty thousand." Yukimura said, rolling his eyes.

"If we're only counting the six million points then yes, it would be. However, there are other things that need to be taken into account." Eiichiro pointed out before continuing.

"First of all, the two million points that Kushida got for us in the second month. Whoever the senpai's were that gave us the points so that we could have something should be paid back. Which is why we're going to deduct two million points to give to Kushida to repay the debt."

To his credit, he hadn't looked in my direction once. He knew it was me, he knew that I was the one who distributed the points. He also knew I wasn't starving for points but he wanted to repay me. My best friend, despite the fact that I'd been a complete pain in the ass, still looked out for me. I could feel the tiniest bit of guilt creeping up but at the same time as much as the gesture was appreciated, I didn't need or want the points. I'd give up all of them to have fewer interactions with Kushida, especially now.

Kushida smiled angelically before nodding enthusiastically from her position by his side.

"How considerate of you, Matsuo-kun! I have to admit, I'd forgotten about paying them back. I feel horrible." Kushida said sadly.

"It feels like it happened so long ago, even though it was only a couple of months. Don't beat yourself up over it, Kushida-san. I agree with Matsuo-kun, we really should thank them. Perhaps we should consider paying with interest?" Hirata proposed.

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