Chapter 18

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"I'm happy that you will be joining us, Sakayanagi," Chabashira smiled.

"Thank you, Chabashira-sensei," Arisu replied with surprise.

"I hope that you can be a positive influence on... some of the class," Chabashira said with a pointed look at me.

It was already well established now that Arisu wasn't going anywhere. After having told them that she was staying and then being backed by both Koenji and Eiichiro, everyone had come to the consensus that as long as I was willing to care for her, they didn't have any other options. Arisu had stayed silent the entire time and I was wondering if she would actually stay.

It wouldn't be easy for her, what Horikita pointed out was right. Carrying her from camp to camp was going to be difficult, especially if our camp was located furthest away from Class A. It wasn't an issue for me, I've been carrying Arisu since we were kids. My little tsun tsun may have pretended to not like being carried down to the beach, but she loved it. The only thing she hated was the fact that everyone saw it.

Number two, no pun intended, was the toilet issue. When Chabashira-sensei demonstrated the one button pop up tent with the cardboard box I knew that it was going to be a problem. Still, if there was one thing that I was sure about, it was that Class A wouldn't be living in squalor. If needed be, I was more than content with negotiating to stay with them instead. If anything, it was the easier option.

If Arisu and I stayed with Class A, all I would need to do was sort my own food out and come back for roll call by myself. Then I wouldn't have to carry her about the isla... Hang on a minute. Hang on just a damn minute... Shit.

It wasn't an option as much as I begrudgingly wanted to admit. I couldn't leave Eiichiro and he wasn't about to come with us. They really wanted the Class Points and just this once I needed to be as supportive as possible. As Koenji had said at the time, I wasn't about to work like a slave, but I would help. Only as much as necessary, but I would contribute.

There was also the matter of Koenji, who very vocally supported Arisu staying. It was a surprise, especially when he gave them the same ultimatum telling them that if we left he would be coming with us. It was a gesture, but not a grandiose one. I was sure he didn't want to be on this floating rock either, it would be an easy way to pass the blame buck onto me.

"Koenji, you didn't just support Arisu staying to pigeon hole me into not going with Class A for the easier option, did you?" I asked suddenly.

Koenji smirked at me before moving to my side while the others were still arguing among themselves.

"Would a perfect existence such as myself resort to such underhanded methods?" Koenji asked condescendingly.


"Notwithstanding, I still hold hope that you will retire. If not for that friend of yours, I have little doubts that we would be enjoying the plentiful facilities of the cruise ship at the present time," Koenji said with a frown. "Dragging this riffraff is going to be a monumental task. One that I usually would be more inclined to steer clear from."

Arisu wasn't paying any attention to what the rest were saying, listening intently to what we were talking about. Arisu was a tactical genius, not only that but she was ruthless and rather sadistic. To her, there was no strategy better than one that made your allies as uncomfortable as your enemies. I would be willing to bet that the thought of leading Class D intrigued her, it would certainly be a boost for her.

If she led Class D, the group of defectives to a win against Class A, who looked down on them as if they were ants, it would boost her reputation against Katsuragi. She didn't care for any of these competitions, Class Points or even finishing as Class A. Her sole focus was me. She'd have no issues in the slightest burying Class A into the ground if it meant she could compete with me.

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