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A/N: This was not written by me. I asked a far more talented writer to write this because I'm not capable of writing art like this.

Please check out CrimsonCelestial, they deserve far more recognition for how talented they are.

Iwao Naomi. (20XX).The White Room and Present: Falsities, Candours, and Reviews. Unpublished manuscript.

“I had been my whole life a bell, and never knew it until at that moment I was lifted and struck.”

― Annie Dillard, Pilgrim at Tinker Creek

In history and life, there is often a law beset in the aether: ‘to he that has, will be given; from he that has, will be taken’. None other than in the Japan of now, in this twenty-first century, that this law has struck the minds of masses from our nation. And even far beyond. I shudder out of disgust even as I pen the words. Hundreds of children have been robbed of their innocence, their lives, their future, and it’s by the depravity of despotic wealthy men and women. 


White Room — a so-called educational facility, in actuality an accursed spot of torment, concealed by the collusion of a galore of adults — was unearthed in the year 20XX. The nation cries, beholds the news of the injustice that sits heavy now. Here it is damning and unchanging as death. But it’s those children, enslaved for years, who bear the true scars of this malevolence. For this to have gone unnoticed for years, where many children were abducted, were once named, then strangled in their souls; many to have died, been forgotten, irrevocably erased — how can one remain silent at this? 

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Japan Today

The Prodigy 

An expose on a secret facility known as the 'White Room'.

By Hotsumi Kojiri

TOKYO — We live under the shade of peace and security. A routine that speaks of the normality of the stability: early morning humdrum, clack-clack of keyboards, whistle of trains whizzing by.

A recent finding casts questions on the artifices enveloping us.

Unveiled by a fresh deployment of JSDF is a secret facility run illegally for years. A huge, abnormal site, with the structure’s interior the colour white as far as the eyes rove. The sacredness of the colour there, however, is a lie .

Children numbering in hundreds were liberated for they were held captives. We have yet to know of the true count of those children, most of whom have no identity. No ties to our country. They share but one thing: suffering on our soil. 

The abuse many children underwent in this place called White Room is chilling. 

Mind in pain: probing at how from nothing from our universe emerged, know all that followed the first vivacious second which gave gravity and all forces governing physics, all beyond and expansive for words and conception of most adults; studying the limitation in the might of formal mathematical theories, prove as the great logician Kurt Gödel did the impossibility of proving completeness and consistency of a system, from within itself when sufficiently complex.

Body in pain: eight kilometres run as if simple stretching after leaving the comfort of bed; no pleasure on faces, same as the void of any want provided to their beings.

All these are but a speck of activities, abuse, that they were forced to endure.

To my great regret, though many children are saved now, it was too late for many others.

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