Chapter 6

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Chapter 6.

May 1, 6:00 am.

The day has only just begun and I already know, with certainty, that today will be an absolute firestorm.

To start with, checking my points this morning I can see that I've received zero points from the school for our monthly allowance. It stood to reason that there was simply a delay, perhaps even a mistake on the side of the school but I was positive that this wasn't the case. I already received a text from Eiichiro that he wanted us to walk to school together, the tone gave away that this was something he wanted to talk to me about.

After I agreed to join the Student Council as the second Vice President, he filled me in on the current situation within the organization and I instantly wanted to take back my consensus to join.

The other Vice President, Nagumo Miyabi, was an ambitious person. He was someone who was placed in class B upon his enrollment and took it as a personal insult. Not long after, his class ascended to class A and he took it as proof that the school system was flawed. He wanted to turn the school into one that functioned on meritocracy, a system that rewarded individual efforts.

This was terrible news. How on earth was I supposed to let everyone in my class carry me through my high school years if we were rewarded and punished based on individual merits? How could the school allow such a monster to exist?

Manabu appointed him to the chair of Vice President, hoping that he could guide him to see things his way but unfortunately it wasn't going so well for him. Worse than that, it seemed that Nagumo was incredibly charismatic, convincing the other second years to join him in his crusade and furthering Nagumo's resolve to mold the school in his image.

After hearing about this I had my suspicions of Horikita Manabu. The man was very obviously a masochist and I seriously started to doubt the man's ability to judge a person's character. It wasn't as though he had a great track record, just look at his two choices in Vice President's? You couldn't choose a better example of Oil or Water if you tried and I couldn't help but surmise that there was every possibility that Manabu simply wanted to make his life more difficult.

Irrespective, we discussed many things that night. How we were going to sell my appointment, what my role was, how we were going to implement BUDDY without anyone in the council knowing that the fees were going to me etc. It was a tight rope that we had to walk with very little margin for error but I was confident that we would be able to maneuver unimpeded with the story we had agreed on.

So, Manabu made me a proposition, one that would ingratiate me with Nagumo. Nagumo was proposing an app of his own called the OAA, 'Over All Ability'. It was an app that held the personal data of all students across every school year. Separated by class, you had the ability to search the profile of any student within the school to bring up their abilities and ranking within the school. I wasn't a fan of the additional work but it did present me with a solution to a huge problem that I narrowly managed to escape after reluctantly agreeing to code it for the council to save money within their budget.

Class 1-D Ayanokouji Kiyotaka

First-Year Evaluation

Academic Ability: C (50)

Physical Ability: A+ (100)

Adaptability: D (37)

Social Contribution: C (74)

Evaluation: Ayanokouji Kiyotaka is an incredibly gifted student that lacks any form of motivation. He is capable of scoring 100 in each category. With his past, it is understandable that there is unprecedented psychological damage and it is difficult to ascertain to what extent it affects him. Ayanokouji is unmotivated and doesn't seem to be willing to engage in any competitive scenarios. It will be incredibly difficult for any of his peers or the faculty to inspire him and with preposterous knowledge on human psychology, it is inconceivable that any will be able to bring about his full potential through conventional means.

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