Chapter 13

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Currently, I'm seething with my phone in hand. Sending an angry message to Eiichiro, I got up from my table at the cafeteria and headed towards my destination. When you start a routine you start to expect things to happen in that fashion. So when things break that routine and you know the culprit and the reason why that routine is broken, it's normal to be annoyed or mad.

Right now I knew who was breaking my routine and I was pissed.

As time passed, things were getting out of hand. I was legitimately annoyed and I felt justified. Why you may ask? Because I'm currently missing two things; My lunch and my Ichinose Honami.

Things were getting worse, if Ichinose was coming in previously to our office stifling yawns and dragging her feet, I now had a zombie for a secretary. Incredibly determined, she hadn't missed a beat, still coming into the office and continuing to work. But it didn't change the fact that this couldn't continue, she was on the verge of collapse.

It was painfully obvious that she hadn't been sleeping much, if at all. Between all of her responsibilities and the stress of the current situation meant that she probably wasn't even sleeping at night when she got back to her dorm. If this continued, more than likely she was going to be making an impromptu visit to the infirmary and I was angry.

I was angry because there was one person who seemed to be not as earnest despite being the one affected; Sudo Ken. While Ichinose was breaking her back and her mind trying to get him out, Sudo seemed to be oblivious. Continuing to laugh and muck about with his friends, the school functioned with the principle of innocent until proven guilty. Until the trial came to pass he was still allowed to attend club duties and the like.

Eiichiro was out looking for witnesses and working hard to gather all the information he could. He was giving his best effort but wasn't skipping out on his obligations to the class. He really wasn't to blame for any of this but at the same time he had far less responsibilities than Ichinose. So despite the fact that he had a heavy workload, he was still fine.

Horikita, true to her word, was doing everything she could to assist him. Aside from this case however, she really didn't have any other commitments or even a social life outside of this. For that reason, even though she was giving her best effort, there was really no way she would be impacted. The same went for Kushida, who was diligently assisting when required but wasn't making any sacrifices to her social life.

The only one who was really being heavily burdened was Ichinose Honami. Currently struggling with all of her commitments to her class, the council and the case. Not only was there all of this, but she also had to work within the shadows to make sure no one knew what she was doing.

It was taking its toll.

Could I have intervened? Of course. I could have become a part of this and it would have been far easier. Unlike Ichinose, I can function well in obscurity. I even had plans in mind and contingencies in place should they fail but what would be the point?

This was supposed to be a lesson for all of them. If I held their hands like a parent and coddled them what would it achieve? I could have had Sudo out of his situation today. But for what? So that he could go out tomorrow and be provoked into another fight? Should I continually have to fix his problems just so he could play basketball? Do work? I scoffed at the notion, I would have spit on the floor at the thought if it would achieve anything.

If Eiichiro was to be an effective leader, this was a golden opportunity for him. Subterfuge was a valid tactic and one that was going to be used frequently from this point onward. This was even a relatively simple and basic example of it as well. If this were Arisu who were attacking him, this plan would have been a nuisance for her to even think of, a waste of precious brain power. She wouldn't even bother with such a basic strategic move.

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