Chapter 39

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With the trip winding down and Class C(formerly D) all in high spirits, the trip was now in full swing and we were having a blast. Everyone seemed to be enjoying the ship to the fullest while I, Ayanokouji Kiyotaka, was enjoying the fruits of my labor. With the changing of the rankings, there was talk on the school boards. Everyone from the second and third years seemed to have an opinion.

It seemed that our year was the talk of the school, interested beyond belief at how close everything was. People discussing how cutthroat the competition seemed to be with a historically unique strategy for Class B in the midterms, then a clean win for Class C only for their efforts to be rendered moot with an absolute massacre by us. The discussions were quite in depth, we were on holidays so people had plenty of time to debate each other.

Interestingly enough, the school saw fit to refer to the classes by their representatives' names now. The possibility of the ever shifting of the rankings now made it difficult for them to call us by our designated classes so they had started to refer to us in a different way.

Matsuo’s Class

Ryuen’s Class

Himeno’s Class

Katsuragi’s Class

I hadn’t seen Arisu commenting or liking any of the posts, I knew that the last one must have boiled her blood beyond belief.

It was actually quite comedic in a sense watching them all arguing over what name to call the classes. A few argued that ours should be called Ayanokouji’s Class, staunchly believing that I was the reason for the last win, others calling them idiots.

The one that actually made me laugh was someone saying that Ryuen’s Class should be called Ayanokouji’s Class. It was actually highly upvoted with many laughing emoji’s following below. I’m sure Ryuen wasn’t happy seeing that, which made it all the more hilarious.

The debates were very in depth and it made me wonder who in our year was talking to the upper classes. They were surprisingly well informed, many of them knowing the chain of events. They’d heard about my confrontation at the Private Pool with Class A. There were even whispers of Arisu giving me the names of the VIP’s.

Apparently my little secret that I’d shared with Class D and my accidental slip up with Mako had already made its way across the ocean to the students still at the school.

Enjoying my peaceful life was absolutely heavenly. Honami, now being referred to as Ayanokouji-chan by Mako, was with her friends from Class B enjoying a get together. Eiichiro was with Hirata, the two of them were almost inseparable now. Hirata was a little isolated at the moment, his fight with Karuizawa leaving him with plenty of free time. The vultures had started circling, many other females seeing this as their chance to cut into Karuizawa’s spot.

It was good for Eiichiro, Hirata was a magnet for female attention. Eiichiro needed this, he needed to learn to socialize with a broader spectrum of people. Whenever he wasn’t socializing, he had his phone in hand with a book open on it. Curiously, the first one he picked to read was The Art of War; my offhand comment on Sun Tzu peaking his interest.

While all of this was happening, I was enjoying a day at the poolside while lazily reading Shiina’s book. I’d read it before but appearances needed to be made, I did make a commitment to giving it back today.

In an ideal circumstance, I would prefer to read this indoors. I’m not particularly fond of the poolside, despite the fact that I’ve spent a lot of time out here. It was mildly uncomfortable, especially considering that I’d been followed ever since the results had been announced.

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