Chapter 3

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Chapter 3.

I didn't end up going to the student club fair. Unless they had a food tasting club, an anime/manga club or a napping club I wasn't interested in any of it. Besides, anything was better than hearing Eiichiro's constant crusading. He's my best friend and I wasn't thinking of cutting ties with him or anything like that. At the moment he was emotional, scared and desperate.

He wasn't going to get out of his funk without processing it himself. I couldn't convince him and he couldn't convince me, so it would seem that we are at an impasse.

I turned my attention to the current issue at hand. Just because I was brushing aside Eiichiros concerns, that didn't mean that I didn't acknowledge that there was a problem. The truth of the matter is that he was right to be panicking. I was actually mildly impressed when he connected the dots with the ranking system as I had dubbed it and the promise of a guaranteed job of your choosing.

It was for this reason that I lay in my bed staring at the ceiling while contemplating how to rectify the problem. Class A,D, future prospects. None of that mattered to me at all. I didn't even need to go to college, I already learned everything that I needed to know, there was no other knowledge that I needed to seek. After I was done with school, I'd have government official job offers thrown at me from every direction.

The next three years were supposed to be my only chance at living a normal teenage life. From what I understood, we were supposed to be carefree, not concerning ourselves with these issues. It made me wonder why my father even put me in this school.

Was it to watch out for Arisu? Unlikely. If that were the case he would have put me in Class A with her. He very purposely put me in Class D. Did he put me here because he sensed my exasperation with the homeschooling curriculum I had? It was possible, most likely the most probable reason. I can't deny that my father dotes on Arisu and I. There's very little that he would deny us if we asked for it earnestly.

If that was the case, why this school? He could have sent me to any normal school in the country and that would have been just as easy if not better. No other school from my understanding had a curriculum like this, it was a classroom for the elite. Responsible for shaping the most brilliant minds the country had to offer into the future leaders of Japan.

If he did this for the protection of my teenage years, there was every possibility that the Japanese Government was pressuring him to have a more direct influence in my life. In here, with no contact to the outside world and free from external pressure, I was free to do whatever I wanted.

There was another slightly more devious scenario. Perhaps he thought that by forging bonds with the other students at the school they would motivate me to do something. That they would be able to make an impact on my laissez-faire attitude.

I scoffed at the notion physically as the thought crossed my mind. Everything I experienced at school was a luxury and I was left to do as little or as much as I wanted. As long as I stayed under the radar, there really wasn't any reason for anyone to ask me to do more than the minimum.

I'm allowing myself to get distracted, there's a problem here that needs to be addressed. What can I do to maximize the amount of private points I can acquire with the minimal amount of effort? The most obvious course of action is to farm points from as many students as possible.

Extortion was out of the question. Chabashira-sensei indicated that it was harshly judged and one wrong move on the wrong person could spell expulsion. If this was my only safe haven then I needed to protect it for as long as possible. Furthermore, I can't look out for Eiichiro if I'm no longer in the school.

After taking a deep breath, I got up from my bed and moved to the kitchen to make a cup of coffee. As I waited for the water to boil I noticed the admission guide on my dining table that Asahina-senpai drew on for me. Inspiration struck suddenly and I quickly retrieved my phone and the admission guide. Looking at the key at the bottom of the guide, I noted every restaurant, eatery and store located outside of the central hub of Keyaki Mall.

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