Chapter 33

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"I lost... again."

From the day I arrived at this house, this girl never gave up on me. She taught me how to smile, how to laugh. Taught me how to be around people without being uncomfortable. She never left my side, her pain was hurting me and I didn't want to see it anymore. The ache in my chest was another new feeling, I don't like it.

"One day when we get older you'll leave me," Arisu said quietly after she gave up.

Arisu reluctantly started to put away the chess pieces as the game concluded. I hated doing this to her, I don't want her to measure her success based on me. The more I beat her the more I hated it. The more the losses piled up, the more that Arisu would look dejected. The more she looked at herself as though she were a failure.

"You're silly."

"It's true, I slow you down. One day you'll find someone you love, you'll find friends like Eiichiro and Tsubasa. Then you'll realize that I'm just a waste of your energy."

The moment the last piece was put away, Arisu put the board on her lap and rolled her wheelchair to the shelf on the other side of the library. She placed the board there carefully before turning around in her chair, intent on leaving.

Before she could get too far I stopped the wheel with my foot. I placed both of my hands under her armpits before lifting her out and carrying her on my hip like she was a toddler. She gasped in surprise as I walked us away from the chair, hitting me on the chest and arm.

"Kiyotaka! You will put me down this instant!"


"What on earth are you doing? Put me back!"

"No, I won't. Now we're both going the same speed, are we not?" I asked while looking at her.

I didn't understand what the issue was, she said I would leave her because she would slow me down. Wasn't this the optimal solution?

At my misunderstanding, her eyes softened and she laughed with exasperation.

"Very well then, Kiyotaka. At least put me on your back, it will be more comfortable that way."

With a nod, I lowered her back to the ground and continued to balance her. Carefully, I squatted down in front of her before picking her up securely behind the knees. She wrapped her frail arms around my shoulders as I lifted her. Her chin rested on my shoulder with her cheek pressed against mine as I made to exit the manor.

The moment we stepped down the stone steps and made our way down the cobblestone path in the garden, the blaring hot sun scorched at my skin. Sweat began to drip and I felt alive. Hot, Cold. Sun. Color. I was truly blessed for these small luxuries, with the greatest gift I could ever ask for firmly clutching her arms around my neck with her body pressed against my back.

"It baffles me that you can be such a genius and yet you misunderstand nuanced idiosyncrasies. I meant that I will slow you down in life, not in walking pace," Arisu chuckled bitterly.

"There's nothing wrong with going a little slowly, it allows you to enjoy life. A lazy pace is best, otherwise you miss the small things in life."

Arisu hummed in thought at what I said. Spring was here and the flowers were in full bloom as we exited the wrought iron gate and made our way to the surrounding woods. I wanted us out of that manor, out of that stuffy library. The further away from that chessboard the better, I wanted Arisu to experience what it meant to be free.

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