SS You're my friend

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"Hey, I guess we're seatmates. I'm Shibata So," I greeted the girl beside me.

I couldn't believe how pretty she was. I was a little worried at first, usually girls who looked like this turned out to be stuck up. I couldn't help being concerned that I was going to be stuck with a real bitch, regardless of how good she looked. She smiled brightly, extending her hand without hesitation and beamed enthusiastically.

"I guess we are, Shibata-kun. I'm Ichinose Honami. Please take care of me, let's be friends,"

Let's be friends...

"Hey Ichinose!" I called out to her as I chased after her in the hallway. "Everyone's meeting for lunch in the cafeteria, you left before we could invite you. Let's go!"

When Tsube suggested we all get lunch together, I watched as everyone agreed and moved to go together. Out of the corner of my eye, I noticed my seatmate discreetly try to leave without bothering anyone. It's why I chased after her, maybe she thought none of us had any plans.

"Oh..." Ichinose said worriedly. "I'm really sorry Shibata-kun, I already have plans... I'm supposed to meet with Ayanokouji-kun and Asahina-senpai for lunch. She said she had something to tell me... Can I get a raincheck?"

"Oh... Yeah, sure! I'll tell the others. Next time, right?"

"Thanks for understanding Shibata-kun," Ichinose breathed in relief. "I'm so lucky to have friends like you,"

Friend, friend, friend. I'm sick of being friends. I hate being your friend. I didn't know it then but that was a lie. The days before, Ichinose started having lunch with Ayanokouji ever since she got on the Student Council as his secretary. Ever since then, she never had lunch with us from that day forward. The raincheck was never cashed, every day we'd see her in the cafeteria or elsewhere eating lunch with him. He always looked rather bored but with everything he said she'd laugh with her whole body.

I'd get jealous every time, why couldn't she laugh like that with us? Why couldn't she let her guard down with me? I was her seatmate, we spent all day next to each other. I met her first, what was so special about him?

It was early morning, the results of our mid-terms would be out soon. At first I was worried, I studied hard but I'm not a particularly studious person. I knew I was lucky, Ichinose was a genius! She figured out a way that we'd be able to pass without us getting expelled and we wouldn't have to study either! All we needed to do was believe in each other and have faith. As long as no one betrayed the group, we'd all be able to pass these midterms.

A moment later the door slid open and I saw her. She looked beautiful, far prettier than she had been on any other day. It wasn't just my eyes. As she grew closer a delicious scent filled my nose with every step she took, taking her seat while greeting people as she passed.

"Are you wearing perfume?" I asked in surprise, sniffing at the strong scent of citrus that was coming from her direction.

"Oh... Yeah, you noticed!" Ichinose smiled brightly. "I just... decided to give it a try. You know, the girls went shopping and I thought I'd treat myself a bit. I got a few things... perfume, make-up. Stuff like that. Silly, isn't it?"

"I think it suits you," I said honestly. "You did your make-up well too, not too much but it really brings out your eyes."

"Thank you Shibata-kun," Ichinose smiled gratefully. "You're such a good friend."

"No problem, I'm sure everyone will be able to notice your effort."

"I hope so," Ichinose said, continuing quietly under her breath. "I hope he notices..."

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