Chapter 50

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A/N: I hope you all enjoyed my little joke. I tried to make it as obvious as possible just in case a few of you took it seriously and thought I left the story.

I haven't quit so you can all rest easy again.

It didn't take long after classes were over for everything around us to turn into a caricature of an apocalypse.

The classes itself were torturous. Everything I did was scrutinized by the people around me. Nothing went unnoticed, from taking a drink from my water bottle to scratching my nose. While we waited for teachers to enter to conduct our next lesson, everyone sat in complete silence. No one got up to speak to their friends, they all simply remained seated and glued to their phones.

It didn't take a genius to figure out what they were reading.

It was for that reason that I realized something, not everyone had read absolutely everything. Nagumo had very specifically only linked my accomplishments, leaving out the other atrocities of the White Room. Probably to stall people from having sympathy for me, perhaps trying to sow discourse within the class simply due to ignorance.

The more they read the more the looks would come my way. Perhaps I overestimated them, at the end of the day they had started out in Class D. They still had Class D tendencies, regardless of anything. They had low attention spans and probably spent most of the time gossiping amongst themselves. It was already late when Nagumo had decided to expose me, some of them probably would have gone to sleep without reading the rest.

Based on their initial reactions to my life, I could see what aspects of my past they focused on. People like Hirata and Mii-chan focused on the tragedy. More than likely Koenji had reacted to Mii-chan's sympathy because of it. She really was a pure and innocent soul, uncaring about my abilities and more about the content of my character. This was probably a trend that seemed to be shared amongst the girls, none of them brought up my abilities and all remained quiet or outraged at my upbringing.

The guys on the other hand seemed to focus solely on my abilities. I could see some looks of apprehension but others of pure jealousy. I couldn't blame them. To the uninitiated, my curse looked like a blessing. Everyone wants what they don't have, there are many times when I'm envious of the oblivious. Wondering curiously about how the majority see the world through the eyes of regular people.

It's a condition I have. One that makes me tailor-made for a curriculum like this where noticing all of the small details and loopholes that was purposefully left for the keen-eyed exceptionals. It's a secret that was never published, a condition that was only diagnosed when I left the White Room and was only uncovered during my extensive therapy sessions.

Low latent inhibition. A secret that not even Arisu knows about, a distinct advantage that I never speak about. It would have been impossible to self-diagnose, as far as I would be aware it would be normal for everyone else. It wasn't until I was tested by a psychologist that I was made aware that I had yet another difference from normal people.

Latent inhibition is a term used to explain our observation of various stimuli. Put in simple terms, let's assume that someone had broken their glasses. If someone had replaced them with an identical after-market one as a cheaper replacement, most wouldn't make the connection that it is a new pair. They'd disregard little details like the color being slightly more vibrant or that the logo had a variation to it in order to avoid legal action. Our brains filter out unnecessary information and purposely omit certain nuances because if we had to process every little detail our senses came across, it would be too much. It's why some people can't notice a smell or a sound until someone points it out.

Someone with low latent inhibition's cerebral filter removes fewer of those unnecessary details. They notice when there's a change, they're drawn to it. Not only that, they're able to draw conclusions and connections based on that stimuli.

Motivated to be lazyOn viuen les histories. Descobreix ara