Chapter 42

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A/N: I needed a break, sorry it took so long. Since I haven't written anything all this time, I'm a little rusty so this one may not be so good. Sorry for keeping you all waiting.

I commissioned an artwork for the story, a picture of a scene in Chapter 27 when Honami and Kiyo were in his room while he was reading the manual for the island exam. If anyone wants an artwork done for anything related to cote, please contact  Alya_l16 on her twitter. I love her work.

If you guys want to use the picture for your own stories or anything like that, please feel free.

Hope you enjoy the chapter.

Hope you enjoy the chapter

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Couples... Couples everywhere. It was the first thing I noticed the moment that I saw the line in the blistering heat. It radiated off every surface to the point that I could actually see it. Why would anyone put themself through this to listen to some old bat pretend to see your future...

Despite this, here I am. Why? All because of the excited strawberry blonde glued to my arm next to me.

"Thank you, Kiyotaka. Thank you so much. I know this isn't your thing but I really wanted to try it at least once." Honami said shyly while looking at her feet bashfully.

"Happy wife, happy life. Or so I've heard," I said nonchalantly as I looked around the other couples who seemed to scorch in the heat.

Turning back to Honami, I looked down at her as she flushed heavily. The unbearable sun was doing a number on her as she glowed red to her ears. I frowned in concern before moving her fringe away from her forehead with the back of my hand.

"We're in direct sunlight, why didn't they set up the line in the shade? You're going to get heatstroke, you're all red."

Honami broke from the spell of the blistering heat before shaking her head and reaching into her bag. She took out a thermos of chilled iced tea before taking a sip and handing the bottle to me. I could see beads of sweat slowly falling down her forehead under her bangs. As I took a drink, she rummaged through her bag again before reaching up and wiping my face with a wet tissue.

"I should have brought an umbrella."

"It's fine, we're at the front of the line. It would have been better if you let me follow through with my original plan..."

I suggested paying someone to stand in line for us so that we could stay in for the morning. I was rebuffed for two reasons; Honami said it was mean for one. Insisting that it would be fun for us to spend time together outside. As for the other reason...

'If we stay in the dorms you'll never let us leave... Pervert.' Honami said, sticking her tongue out at me.

Option two didn't sound so bad to me though, I must admit.

If there was a name for my alter ego for when I was in the White Room Condition, I'd have to find a name for my alter ego whenever I was alone behind a closed door with Honami lately. Hornykouji, Pervytaka. Something along those lines. No matter the circumstances, my eyes always seemed to wander and my thoughts always arrived at one activity. It was a strange experience, as though all rational thoughts would leave my mind. As though I wasn't thinking with the head on my shoulders.

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