Chapter 11

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It's a big number but nothing in comparison to what I had weeks ago. Save for a small amount, I hadn't really spent much on myself. Aside from various meals outside, my gym membership and the entertainment in my office, most of my points were spent on people I could care less about.

Still, I had spent almost more points in the month than an entire class combined. It's something to think about. I wonder just how many points an average student had saved over the course of their tenure. Did I set a record with how many points a first year spent in a month?

Well, it's something to think about because today we received a grand total of zero points for the month. Yet again. This time however, it wasn't our doing.

Supposedly there's some sort of delay, I'm not aware of the specifics and if I were in dire straits I probably would have paid more attention but I was more in tune with something else that was on my mind. BUDDY had been live and so far the number of points that I received was greater than I originally anticipated.

An approximate seventy thousand points per day on average since the system went live. It would be interesting to see whether or not the earnings would rise as the new month started and people received their allowance but that would have to wait. It was only a few days in and I earned about two hundred thousand odd points with some change but it was something to wonder about.

I wondered absentmindedly if Nagumo was annoyed at the moment because to be fair, almost no one really cared about OAA. They were too blinded by the possibilities of BUDDY, it was something that affected them more on the day to day. OAA was really just a referencing system, it almost felt like robbery to get paid such an exorbitant amount for what was basically an index but I wasn't about to look a gift horse in the mouth.

The reason why I'm bringing this up is because this morning I was sent some points by my loving sister who was concerned about her brother being forced into poverty. What followed was one of the most awkward conversations that I've ever had with my sister as I showed her my balance.

"...Have you been extorting people?"

"Of course not,"

"You're not selling drugs, are you?"

"Is that even possible?"

"You better not be prostituting yourself..."

"What!? No!"

It was a short conversation but it was still awkward. Arisu wasn't moved by something so mundane as money or private points. It was rather small minded, if you had enough there was nothing you couldn't accomplish in this school. But for someone like Arisu, it would be a meaningless achievement if it wasn't done by your own hands or influence.

Kushida was jealous though and it was blatantly obvious. I don't even know why but she seems to be trying to drive a wedge between Ichinose and I. It doesn't make any sense, there's nothing between Ichinose and I except for a professional relationship. Hell, there isn't anything between Kushida and I aside from... well anything.

Which is why it was beyond awkward at the moment, just like it was awkward when I was being asked if I was exchanging sexual favors for points like a complete degenerate.

Ichinose and I were eating our lunch in Class D. Sat at my table, Ichinose had someone else's chair while sitting across from me with her own lunch from the cafeteria. After class I was held up when we were all discussing the latest turn of events and I was running late. Just as I was about to leave, a beautiful apricot haired soul opened the door to our classroom with our lunches in hand. Not seeing me in the cafeteria, she bought our food and came to find me.

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