Chapter 49

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A/N: Thanks to Zook and megadonkeykong for reading over this and giving me suggestions before I uploaded it.

It's not April yet but I decided to be nice... 

Or maybe this was Horikita's Plan all along...

I knew I was on the clock. This was what I wanted but once again my laziness had bit me in the ass. As soon as I heard that Eiichiro had a plan and Chabashira said that I couldn't help them, I automatically assumed that I wouldn't need to know the rules for the class to compete.

Nagumo Miyabi was incredibly confident and capable. I had to admit that he'd surprised me. Most people who'd discovered my past and the White Room had revered me, shying away from confrontation in fear or awe. There is a reason why I choose the people around me. There is a method to the madness despite the fact that my circle of friends, acquaintances and lover seems like such a hodgepodge of glaring differences.

I don't like people who simply allow me to do whatever I want. I like people who hold me accountable. There are other factors as well but when you live a life of people lying and doing all they can to appease you, people who push back and tell you when they think you are wrong are scarce. Life gets boring when everyone around you simply agrees or lies to stay within your good graces.

It took a number of detours to avoid being spotted by people, it was getting later. More and more people were making their way back from Keyaki Mall but with the bomb that Nagumo just dropped on everyone in ANHS it would seem that more people were staying out. I quickly switched off my phone for the moment. I needed privacy and quiet in order to see what kind of hot water I'd landed myself in.

I really was arrogant. It was pure unadulterated narcissism to bait Nagumo into a competition without knowing any of the intimate details of this special test. It relies on too many factors outside of my control. Even still, despite the fact that I'd blindly taken a challenge with seemingly everything up against me, I was quietly confident.

I knew this was the only route to take the moment that the White Room was about to be exposed. Exceptionalism breeds competition. While there would be many that would be afraid of me, there would be people with delusions of grandeur. Nagumo was the most obvious assailant, the only way to remind people of their places was to crush him and make an example of him. He would have accepted no matter how small the challenge, instead I chose a route where the odds were insurmountable. That way, once he lost, there would be no doubt as to what happens if anyone tries to provoke me.

Which is why I needed to be alone, I needed privacy. Nagumo's gambit may have been due to ego, not wanting the media to take his prize of exposing me. However, I couldn't help but respect how effective it would be. While eyes were on me and all the people that I was close to would be looking for me for various reasons, it would hinder my ability to move while he could put plans into motion.

Kiryuin was right, Nagumo Miyabi was not an idiot. Cheap tricks and playing chicken weren't going to work with him. He also wouldn't be stupid enough to blindly leave me to my own devices, he would watch me. He'd watch me and my class to see if there were any notable changes in their demeanor, trying to see if any of them would give up if I had any plans. Which meant I'd need to keep them in the dark and move about in the shadows to give them as much support without pressuring them with my wager.

Reading through the special test, I realized just how badly of a hole I'd put myself in. No... Perhaps this time I really had set myself an impossible goal.

50 Meter Dash

100 Meter Dash


Capture the Flag

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