chapter 1 page 2

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After hours of playing the game and having to re-check the rules over again all three of us decide to go to bed

Both me and kai Got two mattresses set up on each side of Kelly's bed setting sheets blankets and pillows on mine and Kai's bed telling jokes until one by one we fell asleep

When waking up it didn't feel.....well normal usually there was no cold air in Kelly's house, it's always been warm in her house during the winter

There was also the feeling of  grass blades and flower peddles instead of a soft mattress and a pillow under the head fitting snuggly under the weight of my neck

Opening my eyes only to see a bright sunset shining into my eyes it blinding me, I looked at it quickly closing my eyes and letting out a groan of displeasure

Turning my body around so the side of my face was on the grass squinting my eyes so they aren't blinded by the bright lays of the land, opening my eyes was easy enough to do but getting up was the hard part feeling like I jumped out of a third-story house and somehow survived it. slowly getting up an audible crack was heard

My confused gaze landed on the area I was in my eyes were darting from trees to grass from flowers to bushes and finally the lake that was about 20 feet away from me

"Where the fuck am I?" I asked out loud, my head hurting

I push myself off the ground standing up slightly swaying from the pain in my head

Looking to my right where the lake was and started slowly stumbling towards it

When my feet reach the edge of the water I peered over to look at my reflection, seeing (E/C) eyes that were somehow glistening like I was crying (h/l) (h/C) hair that was swaying in the wind

I looked from where the stream was running from and decided to go that way hoping to find civilisation other than an empty flower field except for small bees buzzing away collecting pollen from different flowers

Walking was a little bit of a hazard from stumbling left to right, almost falling into the lake more than once, and head pounding with the worst headache I've had so far

'i swear if Kai somehow got me out in the middle of nowhere I'm gonna be mcfucking pissed' I thought angrily

Tired eyes blinking rapidly to keep me awake, the sun was almost done setting, the beautiful view of the sun setting was honestly breathtaking from the pink clouds to the orange/pinkish-yellow colours of the sky the yellow sun that was blinding me a couple of hours ago was starting to fall slowly the moon arising from its slumber to greet the zombie's wit-....... Wait "zombies?" I said out loud taking a double glance at the rotten corpses that had spotted me and ever so slowly start to make their fallen apart selfs known

"Arr" the soft but raspy groans of the once-living was starting to get louder with it getting near, their paled green mouldy complexion with maggots coming out everywhere skin falling off the bone ((isn't very fall off the bone good-))

Dried-up blood and the sickening smell of rotten flesh weren't pleasing to the nose

'What in the queen Elizabeth fuck ' I thought eyes widening in horror the need to throw up by its disgusting complexion

Turning away from the thing and started to run away even though it wasn't a need it was still nice to smell fresh air instead of rotten corpse flesh.

Running was never a fun activity for you, you weren't panting like a dog but there were small beads of sweat I mean who could blame you
The outside world was a scary place. You had a good childhood nothing major happened, you were just always sheltered your mum did not like being around big crowds so she never went out much, your dad never really being there sure he would visit from time to time but not for a long amount of time

Back on track to what I was doing I finally slowed down seeing the zombie not interested in following me
' well I reckon I'm a pretty interesting person ' I thought giving the zombie a glare all the thing did was turn its rotten self and walked to the bushes and just go to fuck knows where

Only now did I notice I was in the middle of a snowfield that was freezing my ass off
' not like I had one-' at that thought I started to walk in a random direction hoping to see no more zombies

With each step I took, I froze more and more my steps becoming slower hands held to my mouth huffing into them then rubbing my arms teeth clacking together

"This is so pointless I'm going to fucking die man" I mumbled my voice just above a whisper

After about an hour or a half of walking my legs finally gave out I couldn't feel my fingers or arms my nose was runny and red and my legs couldn't feel anything either

I could feel an agonising pain in my bones like it was freezing along with my flesh human popsicle anyone? What a flavour.

Options are to keep walking and probably find someone downsides are I feel pain all over my body from the icy-ness and be in more pain whenever I don't find anyone me in the next hour, upsides are hopefully finding someone to help me and being warm with either tea, coffee or a hot choccy milk or better a hot Milo, or I could lay down not get up become one with the snow not feel any pain but numbness and die

"I'll go with the second one that hot choccy milk is tempting though I don't like the feeling of pain..." Slowly lying on the floor closing my eyes and waiting for death to finally take me 'mother should've gotten herself an abortion'

  ....What great last words...

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