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"co-...... S-....wi- ..." a hand shook your face light, the hands somewhat cold yet warm?

Small wet splashes of tears fell on your face before another voice came in, it much younger than the other.

"Ple-..... Wa-.... O-.....eyes!" The second person went up to you pushing the older person out of the way before two hands gripped your shoulder before you were harshly shaken.

Your eyes open seeing blond hair and a teary-eyed Tommy who stared widely at you.

He looked all over your face before hugging you while another sob choked out from his throat.

"You're okay" his voice croaked before he sniffled the snot away, "did the potion work? It's a weak one but it still would've closed your wound up" He moved away from you, his hand touching your shoulder waiting for you to flinch in pain, once you didn't give a reaction he moved his hand away ignoring the thin coat of blood on it.

"What the fuck happened?" Oh, I see we don't care about the kids reading? Might as well swear up a storm then!

The now poorly built dirt shack was standing in its all-mighty? Glory? Hol-

So sorry, you sat up a small glare of pain presented itself in your shoulder yet you didn't feel any blood pour out.

"What in the dilf fuck is that?" You stared at the dirt shack with a more intense gaze, should've stuck with the ' no Mondays off ' huh?

"Oh! It's our new house!" Tommy stood up from his crouched position ignoring the snot and tears that went down his face before he quickly wiped them away.

You gave another hard stare "god damnit" you flopped down on the ground dozing off into a near-sleep state while Wilbur and Tommy made the inside of the place.

' I wonder where the cat is? '

Well, you'll find out, in like a minute!

Has it been a minute?

Okay never mind I'm too impatient!

The cat wasn't doing too well, why you may ask? The poor thing was mangled, blood all over it covering its pure white fur in crimson making the fur sticky, if your wondering who the culprit is, I'm pretty sure you could guess who!

Let's play a little game! Guess who murdered the cat! If your guess is Sapnap your.... WRONG! if you guessed Fundy you're WRONG! If you guessed Tommy your....... RIGHT! The gremlin child decided he hated how the cat was able to get more affection than him and in a fit of rage when he and the cat was alone, he grabbed the cat by the scruff and well, uh-
Y'know how Bob Ross always says there are always happy little accidents? Yeah well, that was motherinni- ahem so sorry I meant Tommyinnits happy little accident!

The cat-erm god wasn't very happy, I mean who would be his cat form was put through torture by that little buck teeth, "give me a spot of tea" brat, did he have to shapeshift into Tommy to get y/n to show him affection as well? But.... That isn't the affection he's looking for, he's looking for the type of one that beats in his 'pure' heart...

We're getting off track, aren't we? Well back to you and the other side pieces of the story.

You still layed on the floor barely even conscious- not because you now lacked in blood but because you were so fucking tired- where can you get a decent bed around here? Nowhere that's for damn sure.

A face popped into your view as soon as the paragraph was finished, that face belong to the one and only Wilbur soot,  Willy Wonka, plain fruit loop, insane sock who stared down at you before offering his hand a small smile placed itself in his face, sadly that smile wasn't an innocent one, I mean why would it be? You came with him he didn't have to worry about Tommy all too much since he knew you saw him as a little brother (/son) figure so of course why would he get jealous of the idiot over there?

You groan as you lifted yourself using Wilbur's hand, who knows what type of..... Stuff he uses it for, who knows he might...... Go digging for gold-

I'm sorry I'm being immature, his hands stayed in yours as you looked down at the hand with a bored expression.

"Why is your hand wet-" you gave a look of concern to it trying to slide your hand out.

Wilbur quickly let go his face held an expression of embarrassment as he turned away from you and walked into the room walking straight past Tommy who was placing the door down.

You wiped the now slightly wet hand on your pants, you already knew it was sweat but with how Wilbur reacted- kind of concerning-

You walked into the shack giving a nod to Tommy who closed the door after you.

It wasn't too small nor was it big, could fit about.. 6 to 7 people in it?

You could already taste the way the two boys would smell for not taking a shower, especially yourself- which made you shudder in disgust.

How traumatizing!


And there that feeling was again, but now it's more intense, that dreadful feeling of eyes tracking your every movement.

But this time it wasn't just one set of eyes no, no it was two hell maybe three sets watching you move around.

Feeling the gazes burn into your clothing then your skin than the flesh.... Then the organs.

You let out a breath as soon as the feeling of being watched was gone- you sounded like a fish gasping for water to be honest.

Your hand clutched your chest trying to get the lightheadedness away.

"Y/n?" You turned around your breath stopping once again with your eyebrows raised in surprise.

Clearing your throat you stood up straight still feeling a bit dizzy.

"Yes, Tommy?" You clenched your jaw as you watched him look behind himself before using his thumb to point at Wilbur who was currently walking away.

"I and Wil are going to watch what's going on in L'Manberg, do you want to come along with us?" His voice was not like its loud chihuahua-sounding self it was more of a zombie groan the anything, which was concerning on its own, the concern doubled as soon as you saw the tired look which wasn't like the blond, he's usually a boy with lots of energy yet that all went downhill just in a day? An hour even.

You shook your head before mumbling: "no, I'll stay here I'm a bit tired right now.." not only are you tired but you feel like you could blow a dust storm from how dry your mouth was and how cracked your lips were.

Yeah, should've stuck with no Mondays off.

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