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(lemme tell ya Dream can manipulate me anyday/j/SRS/hj/j)

So this was a problem, having two people stuck to you like glue one snarling at the other while the other flipped him off.

Two children- one being an adult but acting like a child and the other being a sixteen-year-old boy with extreme father issues.

Both going to your side and staying there- you could understand Fundy since you did basically say you'd hang out with him.

But Tommy? That was a shocker it was like a plot twist for you, I mean sure you did save a Canon life of his, hell you still haven't figured out how you had gotten that potion by hey why question when stuff is given?

Now back onto the Tommy situation, why was he stuck to you like glue you may ask what's going on behind his cocky facade? You'll find that out in a few chapters! But right now you will just awkwardly smile at anybody who sees this.

"So" your first word made both of their heads snap towards you making you jump from the fastness of it.

"Um, you guys like watching- water dissolve? "You gave a strained smile trying to seem as less awkward as possible and apparently both of the two boys wanted your approval of friendship the reason you could probably tell? It was by the rapid head nods before opening their mouth and saying something at the same time which caused a swear word from Tommy and a snarl from Fundy.

Okay now, this was getting a bit TOO awkward what to do? What makes everything better? Ah yes, deat-

*Error reloading*

Ah yes, that's right Niki! She can probably help you out like the Saint she is.

Deciding on where to go you took a sharp turn making a beeline towards the bakery.

The two boys follow right behind not wanting you to leave their sight, this is gonna be a long day!

A very, very long day.

Once you had gotten to the bakery the feeling of dread flooded your senses it was closed.

Giving a dramatic sigh you turned back to the two boys, Tommy who had his head perked up once you looked at him and Fundy whose tail was swinging side to side in a rapid motion.

"So- what do you boys wanna do" giving the best cheerful smile you could muster trying to hide the annoyance that laid in it, what could you say? I mean you were a two-faced bitch in this book but hey! At least you are a fine-looking two-faced bitch!

His hands kept stroking.....

Over the glass ball that lay in his left palm as he watched with jealous-filled eyes, shouldn't he be down there? Yeah, YEAH HE SHOULD! he saved you and saved another stupid mortal as well I mean he didn't have to.

He could've gotten a bunch of amusement from it but... For some reason, he hated seeing you in pain.

He hated watching a person he loved so dearly die before his very eyes he didn't want to see that happen ×again× all he would want is to treat you well unlike those lovesick bastards.

I think XDussy be getting too much screen time-

Giving the glass ball a scratch with his nails leaving four small scratch marks on the innocent ball that started to slightly hover above his palm.

Giving a frustrated sigh he let the ball float upwards connecting with the chandelier that had plenty of other glass balls such as that one acting as lights.

Oh, oh? An idea? The God has finally thought up an idea to somehow get close to you? Without Lady death getting on his back to scold him about it?

Sitting up from the throne that only radiated golden lights, that plan could work.

Of course, he would probably have to use it later on but maybe just maybe he could do it right now.

Oh, he couldn't wait to see you! He wasn't this excited since..... Since what? He couldn't remember, that's unusual.

He's a god he'd supposed to remember everything! Well, whatever he'll ignore it just this once so he can figure out fully on what he's going to do.

"[Y/N] HE'S CHEATINGGGGGGG!" Tommy gave a whine as he moved his Uno cards away from Fundy was trying to peer at it.

Snapping his head, what! He didn't want to get in trouble "No!" He gave you a wide eye look as he waited to be yelled at.

"So? I'm cheating aswell, Fundy don't think I didn't see that plus four and Tommy... why so many skips-" you gave him a squinted look.

Well, technically you didn't cheat they just showed you their cards while the other wasn't looking.

Setting your last card in the pile before clapping your hands together once you had gotten up wiping the Imaginary dust off of them.

"I think we should find another member of L'Manberg just in case" the two gave you a questioning gaze.

"In case what?" Fundy gave a dead stare, so you were trying to get rid of him already by talking to another person so you could ignore his existence.

" Just in case I see a cat and can't catch it or a parrot, Nah a cat is better Ohhh maybe a snow fox!" Giving a grin you grabbed onto Fundy's hand and reached for Tommy's other one.

Right now it kinda felt like you were a babysitter as both of the boys grabbed that same hand with two of their hands just to keep hold.

That dead look Fundy had finally disappeared as he held tightly on the larger hand- why was the hand fucking huge, Mmmmmmm better to choke people to death-that's a hint for the future-

Thank fuck Tommy was here, thank fuck he was because if he wasn't he would've been awkward silence instead of the argument going on now- it wasn't a serious one from what you could tell more of a joking argument, the argument topic? Mud...

I think you would've hung out with Wilbur in this instance, hearing about how the texture of mud was fantastic was not good for the mental health, you already felt like going in a shower rocking back and forth while putting an Ed Sheeran song on- ah that was the life but now, NOW your stuck with two people who are acting like toddlers screaming about two different types of mud and how they taste better

Oh well, speak of the devil.

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